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the first time he saw her. Willow was skating down the main street, the freshly done pavement causing her to glide over the hot concrete like butter. The way her hair flowed through the light breeze that lingered in the air. How her expression was blank, her eyes zoned out as she drifted off into her own world. The sound of the wheels from her skates gliding on the road made its way to the ears of those she had passed by.

Everybody knew who she was as she stuck out like a sore thumb with her cherry red, leather roller-skates and interesting style choices. Not only did her appearance appear to be unique, but her attitude as well— at least, for a Soc.

Her father was one of the highest rated lawyers in the state of Oklahoma, so they were not only loaded, but also very absent from her life. Even though her mother was a stay at home wife, she often ignored her unless it was necessary to acknowledge her— which was almost never. Her mother had always preferred her sister, Anna. She was seen as the angel out of the two sisters. She was always wearing white as if she were a preachers daughter, the saint of the family and the virgin mary. She would always listen to her mother and never got in trouble. She was the perfect daughter, as well as the youngest.

Her mother would treat Anna almost as a second chance, whilst Willow was treated as a fuck up. She was the test dummy for her mother to see what made a child tick and crack. Her mother had broken her, and there was zero sympathy from her that came with it. Her mother was a selfish woman, always blaming everybody else.

When she was younger, her mother was outside tending to their garden. As Willow began to ask her something, her mother let out a gasp as she held onto her finger. "Look at what you did" She groaned, turning to her to reveal her bloody finger, the red liquid leaking onto the perfectly cut, green grass. It were the small things overtime that eventually grew Willow to dislike her mother. It wasn't just because she was mean and cruel, but it was also because she lacked love for her. All that love went to Anna and never to her, it was all gone by the time she turned 13.

With Willow's mother no longer caring for her, she also no longer cared for Willow's image. Willow could embarrass herself all she wanted, but never ever, could she embarrass her family and especially not her mother. It would ruin their reputation and would make her mother look like a fool, as if their family was broken. And even though it was and there was no mending to be done between them, they could never let that truth seep through the cracks as all Social family's had to be perfect.

But even with all of that to consider, Willow still never cared. She always kept to herself and never said a word, except to her friends. She would always be seen skating around town and she was rarely ever walking in regular shoes. And as much as people would gossip and spread their poisonous words about her, she never cared.

So when he finally saw Willow skate past, the girl that the gang would go on about, he realised just why she was so special. There was a specific aura that Willow possessed, and it's what made her so charming to the youth around her. Even though she was a Soc, she was never treated as such, not even amongst her own kind.

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