Just a little announcement

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Hey guys just wanna say a few things

First and foremost THANK YOU for 100+ reads I'm really happy about that. It might not mean a lot to some but the fact that you guys clicked on this book and took time to read the stuff I wrote in it means a hell of a lot to me and I'll forever be grateful 

With that being said. I'll probably update another chapter or two this weekend but most definitely not in this week. I just started university and there's so much to be done and I can't afford to miss out on anything rn so I will be free this weekend and I'll be able to update then.

Thank you for reading this one shot book. I promise I have more in store for you guys and I'll always be open to writing you guys' recommendations as long as I'm comfortable with it. Also if you don't feel like commenting what you want you can always just message me privately. If you wanna stay anonymous its not a problem or if you want ppl to know that's okay too.

Once again thank you for 100+ reads I really am grateful.

Also if you enjoy this book so far please vote it really motivates me thank youuuuuu<3

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