November (Wednesday)

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"You know where Wednesday is?" Enid exclaimed. "Where?!?"

"She's-" But before Mrs. Addams could finish answering, the door swung open and Bianca stood there.

"Enid," Bianca said. "I need your help. And you need mine."

. . .

Wednesday woke up, still in the room with the technology. She could see Andrew with his back turned to her, seemingly working on something on his table.

"Why did you need me to look at November 3rd, 1986?" Wednesday asked.

Andrew glanced back at her and then returned to tinkering. "I should have put you in the other room."

"But you didn't."

"I know!" He yelled, suddenly turning and throwing his screwdriver to the ground. He sighed and picked it back up. "I thought I had the psychic helmet working!"

"It almost did." Wednesday replied. "So? Why November 3rd, 1986?"

"You don't need to know this yet. All the more reason for you to go along with it."

"Why didn't you have Bianca's mother use her siren song on me in the first place?" Wednesday asked.

"Because I have her wear a siren-muting necklace most of the time," Andrew replied. "Otherwise I could never trust her or even myself."

"You don't trust your employees enough to use them to their full potential?"

"Only a fool would."

Andrew stopped tinkering with the helmet and stepped back to survey it. "It's ready."

"You're trying this again?" Wednesday said, masking her slight fear with her emotionless words. "You've been adjusting it for only a short amount of time."

"You were sleeping for a much longer time than you realize." He replied, smiling. The desperate and frustrated man he'd been a moment ago was now fully replaced with this calm demeanor. Though somehow that made him seem even more mentally displaced.

"How long?"


"How long was I asleep?"

"A very long time. I suppose, to make up for the sleep you've lost over the past few weeks." He smiled again, then stepped forward with the helmet, placing it over Wednesday's head again.

"Why November the 3rd, 1986?" Wednesday tried one last time.

"Just go see for yourself." Andrew said angrily, then pushed a lever over on his table.

Wednesday felt something rushing through her brain. It was like the first time, but faster and... different. Suddenly, everything was going too fast to comprehend and it hurt. It hurt. The last thing she remembered doing was trying to drown it all in a guttural scream she couldn't even hear...



Wednesday slowly opened her eyes to the blinding light, then realized the light was coming from flashlights. And that voice...

"Enid!" Wednesday focused her vision on the person hovering over her, and there she was. "Enid... why are you wearing a hospital gown here?"

"It's a long story. What happened to you? Are you okay?" Enid's frantic eyes washed over Wednesday.

"I'm fine now." Wednesday replied, and then was engulfed in hugs from her parents, who apparently were there too.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Her dad exclaimed.

"Wait, how did you get in?" Wednesday asked.

"Get in?" Bianca stepped out into the flashlight light and for once Wednesday caught a good look at their surroundings. "Wednesday, we're in the woods."

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