Hallucinations (Enid)

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Enid felt her knees almost give out on her, but she somehow managed to stay upright. Wednesday was just there! Standing by the corpse flower. But now she was gone. Had it been just another hallucination?

"Enid? Are you okay?' Cass asked.

"Y-yeah." Enid said, then made her way to her seat. It was the only time in the past week she was glad that Cass' seat wasn't next to hers.

"Hello, class!" Miss Blakely clapped her hands. "Who wants to-"

But Enid couldn't pay attention. A sharp pain shot through her skull and she barely managed to stop herself from crying out. Instead, she raised her hand.

"Uh, yes Enid?" Miss Blakely asked.

"Can I go to the nurse?"

"Of course."

Enid slipped off her stool and ignored everyone's stares as she walked out.

But she never made it to the nurse.


"Uggghh..." Enid groaned as she sat up. Waking up in the hospital was never fun.

"Hello, Enid," A doctor slipped her way in. "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap, to be honest." Enid replied. She was sore all over and her head had a dull throbbing pulsing throughout her skull.

"We have some bad news." The doctor looked down at her clipboard. "Your father's on his way and he's given us clearance to tell you about your diagnosis."

"What diagnosis?" Enid's voice started to shake. Psychosis? Hallucinations?

"We did an MRI while you were passed out and found something. A tumor. It's on the occipital lobe in your primary cerebral cortex. The good thing is it's very small. It's only just started, so the sooner we do the surgery, the sooner-"

"I have a tumor?! Is it cancerous?" Enid exclaimed, shooting up.

"We don't know if it is or not, but we do know that it explains your hallucinations and other physical ailments." The doctor answered calmly. "Please, sit back down."

Enid did, but only because her back hurt.

"We'll know if you have cancer when we do the biopsy on the tumor." She explained. She tapped her pen on the clipboard. "But we've scheduled your surgery for two days from now. In the meantime, we'll make sure everything goes well and nothing worsens."

"Okay." Enid slouched in her pillow. She was basically having an existential crisis, and now she had a tumor? It was one thing after another.

"Wait," Enid said just as the doctor was leaving. "How did I get the tumor?"

The doctor paused. "We don't know.'

Enid nodded. The doctor left. Then Enid stopped ignoring all the questions in her head and instead went to face them.


He sat in the middle of all the vibration. Sometimes the bass was the only thing that kept him going. He only really lived when those soundwaves washed over him from the huge amps. They were his life.

A surge of anger ran through him as he saw the door open from the corner of his eye. The woman stood there.

Turning down the music, he pushed himself up.

"Why aren't you at your post?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I just need to warn you." She answered, looking down.

"Warn me of what?"

"My daughter, she's getting close to finding out what we really do."

He frowned. "Then kill her."

- - -

Oh, yeah. I like this chapter. Not sure why, though. But don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me!



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