Psychics (Enid)

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"Wens? You okay?" Enid asked as Wednesday stared at the other side of the room.

"My mind is playing tricks on me." Wednesday looked back at Enid. "I thought I saw Tyler."

"Really?" Enid looked over, but Wednesday pushed her back. 

"It's nothing. He isn't here." 

"Are you sure?" Enid asked.

"I'm sure." Wednesday replied.

Enid had a feeling it wasn't fine, but she didn't pry. She knew Wednesday preferred to work through these things alone. A ding came from Wednesday's bag. She pulled out her phone and glanced at it. "It's my parents. They found a psychic."

"Great!" Enid jumped up. "Who is it? When can you first meet?"

"It's someone called Cal Demori. A man. Not a raven, but still a psychic. And we can meet him right now. He's close to arriving at Nevermore."

Enid's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "That was fast."

"He was already traveling close to this area, and he left a few hours ago after getting the call from my parents." Wednesday explained.

"Well, then, we need to get back to Nevermore! Forget this date. We can also do it again later." Enid stood, gesturing for Wednesday to come. Wednesday stood and they started to leave.

"Hey! Are you two dating? " A snide voice said. A teen they'd never seen before stepped in front of them. A boy, looked like he was only maybe a freshman. Younger than them, definitely. 

"Yeah. So what?" Enid replied. He smirked and started to say something, but Wednesday interrupted. 

"Just ignore him, Enid." Wednesday said, pushing past him.

"Watch it!" He yelled as Enid followed Wednesday. "You're bitches, you know?"

"He's going to pay for that." Wednesday told Enid as he held up his middle finger to them. 

"Just... don't kill him, okay?" Enid said, walking fast to catch up. "I don't want you getting arrested for murder."

"Don't worry, Enid." Wednesday replied. "I won't get arrested for murder."


"Hello, Miss Addams." Cal said, holding his hand out to shake Wednesday's gloved one. When she made no move to accept it, he put his hand down. "You're a raven, correct?"

"I am." Wednesday replied.

"Well, let's sit down, shall we?" They both sat across from each other on the couches. He gestured for Enid to sit too, since she was there due to Wednesday's request.

"So do you think you can teach me to keep my sanity?" Wednesday asked.

"In a way." Cal said. "You see, as I myself am not a raven, I don't fully understand how it works. But, there might be a way to summon your ancestor again."

"Goody is gone for good." Wednesday frowned deeper. "That was the result of her healing my stab wound." 

"Yes, but I was told that this Dorian person is able to do things you thought were impossible, and he also tells you that Goody didn't know much about psychic powers?" Cal responded.

"He was able to do those things and he told her." Enid cut in. "He's dead now. Because of unrelated things, though. I mean, he didn't die—"

"Because of his psychic powers, I get the point." Cal finished. "So what about summoning him? If summoning Goody doesn't work out after all."

"He wasn't exactly friendly." Wednesday said. "But then again, most ghosts aren't."

"So," Cal clapped his hands together. "We have a plan, then?"

Enid looked at Wednesday, who was still wearing her usual scowl. She was looking down, contemplating her options.

"Very well." She said, raising her eyes. "Time to do a séance."

- - -

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