Begrudged (Wednesday)

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"Okay, it's time." The door opened and the man stepped through. He stood in the doorway.

After a moment, Wednesday frowned deeper. "Do you expect me to just get up and follow you?"

The man clenched his jaw and took out a knife. He slashed the ropes that held Wednesday to the chair, then held it threateningly at her as she stood. For a second they shared a menacing stare, but then the man spoke.

"You know the drill. You do anything, Enid gets hurt, blah blah blah. Now let's go." He put the knife away and walked out the door. Wednesday followed.

"What am I supposed to call you?" Wednesday asked as they walked through a dark hallway dim lights shone from the ceiling, only illuminating the floor in front of them.

"My name?" The man asked.

"Yes, although your address and social security number would be nice."

The man chuckled. "I like you. You're amusing, unlike my comrades." He paused. "You can call me... Andrew."

"Seriously?" Wednesday asked. "A ferocious kidnapper who goes by the name of Andrew."

"You disapprove?"

"I believe everyone's name should reflect who they are. Even their fake names."

"That doesn't surprise me that that's your view," Andrew sharply turned around and faced Wednesday. He raised an eyebrow. "But I think that the most dangerous people go by the most delicate names. They're a wolf in sheep's clothing. And that's the most terrifying thing of all."

"That was a very touching speech. How long have you been rehearsing that?"

"I'm afraid our chat is going to have to end before I disclose that information." Andrew reached out and pushed open a door that flooded the hall with light. "We're here. After you."

He nodded for Wednesday to go in first, but Wednesday grabbed his arm and flipped him down to the ground. He brought her down with him, but Wednesday kicked downward at the pocket the knife was in and he exclaimed in pain.

"You should really put that thing in a sheath," Wednesday stood quickly and turned to go to the next door, now that she could actually see the hallway thanks to the light from the room. But then a searing pain shot through her head and she fell to the ground. Wednesday would have told herself to push through the pain, but she couldn't think. She couldn't even move, other than gritting her teeth and holding her temples.

Through the corner of her eye, she could see Andrew rising. He pulled out the knife from his leg and tossed it to the side. He didn't even make an effort to staunch the blood flow from his wound. He calmly walked to Wednesday and knelt by her side.

"You shouldn't have run." He said, then reached out and placed his fingers in Wednesday's head. The pain suddenly stopped and she gasped for the breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding. He removed his fingers from her forehead.

"What was that?"

"That was some experimental tech I discovered could cause extreme pain for someone. The tech that works for it's intended purpose is in the room you just refused to enter," He sighed and shook his head. "Now I'm afraid I can't trust you."

"Why would you think you could trust me?" Wednesday replied.

"I don't know." He shrugged and touched Wednesday's head again.

"What are you-" Wednesday started to say, but then he removed his hand and the world exploded into agony again.

Over the noise of her pain, Wednesday heard Andrew speak.

"We're going to have to do this the hard way."

- - -

Yeah, I made his name Andrew. You like?


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