Trail and Error (Wednesday)

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Wednesday woke up back in a chair. Except this chair had armrests that her arms were cuffed to. In fact, every limb was cuffed to the chair so she could barely move. She had no memory of this, so she must have passed out. Wednesday looked up to see Andrew standing at a table covered with equipment about 15 feet away from her.

"Hello again," Andrew said, then looked down at his hands that were tinkering with some metal object. "I hope you don't hate me too much for the torture."

"Normally I enjoy torture." Wednesday answered.

"What makes this time any different?" Andrew retorted. But he didn't wait for an answer. He picked up something circular and walked up to Wednesday.

"What is that?" Wednesday asked warily.

"This should induce psychic visions. If I designed it correctly." Andrew replied, taking it and putting it over her head. It fit like a helmet, except heavier. "When I count to ten, you should feel something. Then, I want you to look for the day November 3rd, 1986. I'll guide you from there."

"Is Enid still safe?" Wednesday asked.

"I heard she took a trip to the hospital yesterday, but not because of something we did. She's fine now, though she needs surgery. Actually," He stooped to talk into Wednesday's ear. "I heard you did it to her." He smiled as he stood and returned to his table.

"What did I do?" Wednesday called after him. Panic rose in her chest and she forced herself to calm. Enid was in the hospital? For something Wednesday did to her? He must be lying. That's the only thing that could explain it. Wednesday would never do something to hurt Enid. Never. "What's wrong with Enid?"

Andrew ignored her questions. "1. 2. 3."


Andrew kept going. "4. 5. 6. 7."

Wednesday struggled against the cuffs holding her.

"8. 9. And... 10."

Wednesday braced herself for pain, but instead she felt a rush of... something. But it wasn't bad. Wednesday almost found herself relaxing, but then stopped herself.

Just shove your thoughts away. Andrew told her. But now his voice was in her head.

No. Wednesday thought. She felt cold fingers on her temples, but she forced her eyes to stay shut.

Just do it, another, soothing voice said. It was Bianca's mom. She was trying to use her siren powers on Wednesday. But Wednesday wasn't going to give in.

Wednesday forced herself to dive deeper into her mind, away from the voices. But the deeper she went, the more she wanted to give in to the flow.

It's a machine, Wednesday told herself. Surely you can resist a machine.

Wednesday felt an odd sensation, like she was floating away from her body. Suddenly, she found herself opening her eyes and seeing something else. It was her mom. And Enid. Her mom looked up at her, and for one second, Wednesday knew they saw each other. Then Wednesday lurched back into her body and saw Andrew and Bianca's mom. She gasped for breath and then realized the tempting rush was no longer in her head.

"No!" Andrew yelled. He pulled the helmet thing off Wednesday's head and threw it to the ground. "No!"

He held his head and went up to his table, then slammed his hands on the surface of the wood. He started to whisper to himself. "It didn't work. I need more time to perfect the tech. That's what I need. It needs to be irresistible."

"Sleep." Bianca's mom commanded Wednesday. Wednesday couldn't find any more strength to defy it, so her weary head lowered and soon she was asleep.

- - -

Btw there are a few holes in the story that I'm going to be addressing in the next Wednesday pov chapter, so if you've noticed them just wait until then.

Anyway, if you've made it this far into this story (and I assume you've read book one as well), then thank you! I appreciate it.

Have a great week!


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