Chapter 19

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        MIKE'S POV
     I'd purposely left the house extra early so Lyon wouldn't offer for me to ride with him, or meet me on the way.

      Getting to school I realized his car was parked outside, he got here before me after all. I strolled in yanking my slacking bag back unto my shoulders.

   I prayed we don't run into each other.

       I got into class and realized I didn't bring my Jersey. "Oh shiit" I said facepalming myself as I sat down next to James.

         "What?" He questioned clicking away on his phone

         "I left my jersey at home" I replied tiredly.

          "Oh yeah" he said like he just had a lightbulb moment. "Lyon asked me to give you this" he bent down bringing a jersey out of his bag. "Said he found it in the laundry room"

           "Thanks" I said looking at the nearly ironed jersey, I sure as hell didn't do that.
           I glanced at lyon's empty seat and glanced back to James who was still clicking away on his phone.

         "Aren't you gonna ask questions?" I asked staring at him


     I nodded with a small smile bringing my textbooks just as Lyon,  John and Luke walked in. Lyon glanced at the jersey on the side of my table and I quickly shoved it into my bag.

       Pretty soon the class started, and a few minutes into the class a junior student shows up. "excuse me sir, the principal asked for lyon and Mike" our eyes met cautiously both of us standing up.

         "Did he state why?" Our geometry teacher- Mr Albert asked.

         "No he didn't" the junior girl replied with a small frown, she looked like she wanted nothing more than to go back to her class.

           "Okay boys" he replied pointing at the door. "Hope you guys aren't in any trouble?" He called after us as we stepped out but we both ignored him walking towards the principal's office.

         Lyon knocked quietly and the principal ushered us in from the other side. We met Williams already seated, and relief washed over me, it was obviously about basketball.

         We both sat down on either sides of Williams. Thankfully. I looked down at the table noticing there were three boeige folders Infront of him, he cleared his throat noticing my expression.

         "I called you here to talk about your sport scholarship" my heart dropped remembering Lyon and William's conversation in the bathroom.

           "Williams already got this scholarship when he was in your grade, automatically becoming captain" Williams nodded in agreement and he continued,"Lyon was set to become captain, but now that Mike is also on the team it falls down to the both of you" he said pointing at lyon and I, "Looking at both records, I have to say I'm very impressed"

       I glanced over at Lyon and saw he looked stressed, he was squeezing on the end of his shirt and my eyes fell. "What I'm saying is... You both should work hard especially in this state  competition, the school board is making it's decision by next semester also your grades will also be part of our decision so that shouldn't be an excuse to slack off"he said sternly.

        "I'll personally groom them sir" Williams said with a cheeky smile putting both hands on us

         The principal glanced at both of us . "Both of you haven't said a word since you got here. Aren't you happy about the scholarship"

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