chaper 10

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       "Everybody to the court now!"Coach screamed. We where all cramped in the locker room, John and his group randomly gossiping about girls, I smilled, eavesdropping on thier conversation. Another group was arguing about who had the longest dicks, I scrunched my nose and immediately tuned that conversation off.

        We where actually supposed to be changing into our jerseys. we had a big game tomorrow and we were having final practice today, but we were running late. As usual.

          We all immediately ran to the field seeing that coach was pissed, some guys still struggling with thier shoelace when we got there, earning a few snickers.
     "This isn't time for chitchats. This is one of our most important games and it could help some of you here qualify for the national level. For that we need to be the best. We've tried for 3 seasons to beat this school, so we should be more focussed and not gossiping about girls" he glared at John and his group. He's lucky he didn't overhear the dick conversation.

        He continued,"I'm going to be positioning you guys for the game tomorrow,  because we have a new member with us" they clapped and I fake bowed as they laughed. I'd managed to make a few new friends here other than James and it felt good to have friends that had the same interests as you.

         "Williams, you're going to be the point guard as usual", Will nodded and coach continued. "Now Lyon I suggest you let Mike be shooting guard, I compared both records and I believe for this game mike will be better in that position" he nodded but I could see he felt sad. I didn't like him but I understood what it meant to loose something that meant alot to you

         "Ummm coach? I'm good with small forward" coach nodded and smilled in understanding.

          "I understand Mike, and I'm not removing him from that position, but right now I'm doing what's best for this competition and for this game, I want you there. He can go back to his normal position ones this session is over. It's nice for you to try to look out for your brother though"

          I nodded and mumbled "he is not my brother"James nudged me

           "Your mood swings are unpredictable, why'd you even bother to defend him if you don't like him. Are you messing with him?" he raised a brow and I frowned.

         "I just felt bad"

         "Okay sure" he raised his hand defensively. "If you say so"

         Coach continued interrupting our conversation, "I hope you are all  good with that? I need you to be very focused. Tomorrow is a big game and  we should strive to win!

       "Yes sir" we cheered. His whistle went off and we immediately assumed our positions, as practice started.

                    *.             *.              *

        I'd just finished having a quick shower in the locker room's toilet. I came out a towel wrapped around my waist when Luke jumped on me from behind.

         "Fucking stop" I said wrapping the towel around my waist tighter. He laughed in response and came down.

         "We're all going to the arcade are you coming?"

          "By we... You mean everybody?" I looked round the room of 11 boys.

          "Yup. Well except for Lyon. He said he had an appointment or something I don't know. He looked like he doubted Lyon's excuse.

        "Sure I'm in"  He beamed.

          "Okayyy...quickly dress up and come meet us outside" I nodded looking around noticing that majority of the boys had already left the locker room.

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