Chapter 16

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          It had been two weeks since I'd sorted things out with Mike, and I was a hundred percent sure it was just a phase. I'd experienced something new, something different and it got to me.

      But right now, I wasn't so sure it was just a "phase" anymore.

          In the past three weeks, I didn't hookup hookups with anybody anymore. It was not because I couldn't get a girl, but it just didn't excite me anymore. These girls I usually spent effort to woo didn't get to me anymore.

    Was I gay now? I didn't think so. Atleast I knew I wasn't attracted to any other guy at school or elsewhere at all.

          I was currently sitting infront of my laptop at two am(2:am) with a hard-on thinking about the deep shiit I was in right now. Mike didn't seem to bothered tho. I had seen him bring girls over a few times, and he smilled at me oblivious to whatever "this was".

    I guess I was just the one who couldn't just let go, and it was fustrating.

        I stared at the porn site I'd typed out, clicking on the first video the volume blaring. "Fuck!" I hissed turning the volume down and hoping no one would be awake at this time. I watched for a while and got bored, so I turned it off groaning.

        Was I gay? I questioned staring at my screen for over five minutes and deciding to check it ones and for all. I typed in the keyword, and a series of gay porn appeared on my screen.

       With shaky hands, I clicked on it watching for over 10 minutes but still nothing. Frustrated, I shut the lid groaning and running a hand through my hair. This was all useless, It wasn't working.

       I turned to look at my bed. This was the cause of all my fucking problems, I said remembering the night I and Mike slept together.

     I paused.

     I felt... excited.

       "Shit! Shit! Shit" I groaned getting up and lying on my bed. I pulled the duvet up my body squeezing my eyes shut. But I couldn't sleep, I was in so much pain from the throbbing. I needed help badly and I knew only one of person could do that for me right now.

        I put my shirt on, and wore my flip flops. It was worth the risk anyway. Opening the door, I peeked out just make sure no one else saw me sneaking to Mike's room with nothing else but boxers and a t-shirt.

        This is a joke. I was a JOKE.

       I put my ear on Mike's door, hearing the faint sound of music and I grinned. I knocked softly, listening as the music stoped immediately.

     "Mum, I'm not in the mood for your insomnia" he said sounding fed up and I held my laughter.

     "It's me, Lyon" I replied quietly.

      There was total silence in his room and I was a hundred percent sure he wouldn't open when the door creaked open.

       He looked at his screen, "it's two forty five (2:45) what the fuck are you doing here?"

     I smilled in response and he ushered me in glancing down the hallway to make sure no one was there.

     Shutting the door behind him, he turned to look at me, wearing nothing but a short. I swallowed.

     "I need your help" I said nervously meeting his gaze.

     "With what? It literally 2:am" he questioned looking impatient.

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