98. Javi Against The World

Start from the beginning

"Fuck!" Javi angrily grumbled as he stood up and walked over towards the couch
"Rafael, get up." Javi said as Rafael was asleep on the couch the entire time as he was still trying to get over the flu

"What are you screaming about now?" Rafael groaned as he turned over but still didn't get up

"I need you to handle something for me."

"I'm not driving to Houston."

"No I need you to go by the office and cancel every import order for next week."

"Okay I'm on it, just give me a few more minutes." He said waving his hand at Javi

"Calm down man, don't let this stress you out. If you do this, thousands could and will potentially starve, just think about this."

I already have, I'm not some toy people can play around with. I've been nice this whole time, not once have I went back on my end of the agreement and they've continuously fucked me over. I've said nothing, I've done nothing and all I ask is to be treated fairly and do not try and cheat me, well now they've done it. They want to stop my business and money, okay fine, how about you don't eat until I say you can eat." Javi said as Mateo heavily sighed

"Alright it's your call, but I still think you can go about this a better way."

"Fuck em, you play with me and my money, there's consequences for that. They know who they're dealing with and they don't deserve sympathy."

"Baby I have great news to tell- oh sorry, I didn't know you all were in here, I'll come back." Aaliyah said as she walked into Javi's office and stopped once she saw Mateo and Rafael

"No it's okay baby you can come back, we were done talking." Javi said as he nudged Rafael again who was this time lightly snoring
"Hey pendejo, get your sick ass up."

"I told you I'm not sick anymore, I just have to get my energy back." Rafael yawned and stretched while sitting up

"Well just go handle what I need from you and then you can go home and rest."

"Aright I'm on my way now, I'll see y'all later." He said leaving as Mateo was following behind him and he shut the door

"Are you alright? You seem upset." She asked

"I'm fine."

"You sure? It's okay I can come back later and let you cool off."

"No, being alone with my thoughts right now is the last thing I need, come talk to me." He said motioning for her to come closer as she was hesitant

He stepped forward and she took a step back, "Okay what's wrong with you? You're acting like you're scared of me or something."

"You still have the gun in your hand." She said as he looked at his hand and smiled

"Oh, sorry about that, force of habit." He said as he puts it down on the desk, "Now can you come talk to me?" He asked with his arms open as she went to him and he picks her up while hugging and kissing all over her face

He walked them over to behind his desk as he sat down while he placed Aaliyah in his lap. Pacho wanted to get in on the love as well as he gets up and tries to jump in between the two.
"Órale Pacho, saca tu gran culo de mis huevos." Javi said as he was pushing Pacho away
(Pacho, get your big ass off my nuts.)

"Siéntate pendejo." He pointed to the floor as Pacho sat down
"Sorry about that baby, I don't know what got into him. But anyway, you said you had some good news, well I'm in need to hear something good on today."

"Do you remember a few days ago I told you that in the future I would reveal what I was planning as far as the business, well you'll be proud to know that I have secured my first out of state business in Las Vegas."

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