"In trouble? What kind of trouble?" I ask and she looks away briefly before looking back to me with a small smile.

"It's better if you figure it out first before I answer that," she responds just as Mr. Molina calls for the few of us that are lingering in the parking lot.

I sigh softly at being interrupted. "We're being summoned by, Mr. Molina," Ronnie jokes softly getting a smile from me, "would you like to sit together on the bus?"

I nod quickly and look away when I realized what I did. That seemed a bit desperate Bella. A soft squeeze on my hand made me look back to Ronnie who smiles happily.

   She gently guides us over towards the buses where we meet up with some of her siblings. "Hi, Bella! I'm Alice this one's sister," the pixie like girl happily says and held out her hand to me so I grab it softly and shook it.

She gives me a smile and pulled away to hold onto her boyfriend's arm. "I'm Jasper. It's nice to meet you, Bella. Ronnie doesn't shut up about you," he politely says and cleared his throat.

Ronnie scoffs playfully and punched his arm softly. "Shut it, Jas," she tells him and gives me a sheepish smile.

So cute. "It's nice to meet the two of you. I hope to know more about you two. Ronnie only told me a little bit," I softly respond with a nod and they both give me a smile.

"All good things I hope," Alice says raising an eyebrow at Ronnie who raised her unoccupied hand in a defense motion.

"Oh yeah. I told her about that time Alice tripped down two steps. It was hilarious," Ronnie jokes and Alice gasps loudly then pinched her arm making Ronnie yelp in pain.

I giggle softly at them and Ronnie gives me a pout. "Bella, you're supposed to be on my side. I'm telling Rosalie, Alice," she whines cutely to me then tells Alice who rolls her eyes.

I lean up and plant a kiss on her cheek before pulling away but still kept a hold of her hand. "I am since I gave you that kiss to soothe the pain," I say playing along with her and she stuck her tongue out at Alice who chuckles.

   Ronnie lifts our hands and pressed a kiss on the back of my hand. "Hello, Isabella," internally I cringe at the use of my full name especially coming from someone who seems to hate Ronnie for some reason.

   But I have to be polite for her siblings sake. "It's Bella and hi uh Edwin, right?" I respond with my eyebrow furrowed a bit making Ronnie and Jasper smother their laughter while Alice covers her mouth with her hand.

  What? Is that not his name? "It's Edward and forgive me but I just thought Isabella is such a beautiful name that's why I used it," he tells me and gives me a weird looking smile.

It kinda seemed like he's constipated. "Come on, kids. Up up and in," Mr. Molina spoke up and ushered us into the second bus.

I pulled Ronnie with me towards a seat towards the back. "Would you like the window seat or the aisle one?" She softly ask before we could sit down.

   "You can take the window, I don't mind," I respond and she nods before sliding into the seat then I go after her.

   All the other kids came on and took their seats. Jasper and Alice took the seat next to us on the other side of the bus while Edward is in front of us.

Ronnie leans next to me, "for the record I find Isabella and Bella beautiful names. They suit you." I turn my head and my breath hitched at how close we are.

I glance down at her lips then to her eyes only to find them doing the same thing I did. "Thank you," I say and gulp nervously making her smirk slyly.

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