A lazy morning and an interesting interview

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He started his quest for the bathroom, which was connected to the room, oh Merlin, how he loved his home.

It was a really beautiful house, not as big as the one he had lived in as a child, he had always hated those empty spaces and thin walls, these mazes of rooms. His house was simple, not small, not big, but sufficient. He was quite proud of it.

He took off his pajama pants, standing in front of the mirror for a moment and watching his body. His hair was tousled, his eyes dark as if sleep hadn't given him enough rest. His cheeks were slightly sunken, making him look sick. Maybe the cold was still holding him back?
He should drink some immunity medicine, but he'll do it later. He found a couple of bruises on his body and shook his head, holding back a smile as he saw hickeys on his chest.

He stepped into the shower, turned on the water tap, and stood there for a long time under the warm water that ran down his body, face, and hair. He reached for the washing-up liquid on the shelf next to the shampoo, but he didn't care about that yet. Not paying attention to what he grabs, he squeezed the liquid on his hand, eucalyptus, cool, it will do the job. A pleasantly warm scent enveloped him. He smiled to himself.

Sirius would have strangled him for not using hair conditioner, but Reg really wasn't up to it today. Sirius definitely will point out to him anyway how unfair it is that his hair is in better condition and softer than his, since Reg doesn't care at all, but Sirius tries and nothing comes out right. Sirius would have complained saying something about it that he inherited inferior genes.

And they will laugh.

Regulus liked to be alone, but now he quite missed the company (his brother, he meant). He missed Sirius, and he had only been gone for one week. They were still in touch, so it was ridiculous to miss him, but Regulus did it anyway.

Sirius had gone on a short vacation with Remus, a two-week trip to take a break from his worries and all. "Honeymoon" was what they called it, even though they had been married three years ago.

Oh fuck, Regulus was looking forward to his own honeymoon. He really was.

He got out of the shower, 10 minutes had passed, maybe an hour, he didn't care. He dried his hair, brushed his teeth and, smiling at his reflection. He put on himself shorts and a hoodie found on a chair, probably not clean, but it smelled wonderful, so he didn't really care. He was just drowning in pheromones.

Dressed so formally, exquisitely and thoughtfully, he slowly descended the stairs, holding on to the railing.

He found his way to the kitchen. There was clean, which he appreciated. He reached into specific cupboards and the fridge looking for ingredients that would help him prepare a delicious breakfast (or maybe dinner?).

He opened the cupboard to take out a bowl, opened another to take out the flour and sugar, reached into the one above for the mixer, and to the fridge for the milk and eggs.

Unfortunately, he didn't find everything he needed and he didn't feel like going to the store. He huffed as he stamped his feet in annoyance. Just like a kid.

He couldn't believe he was already 22.

It is time for a walk he decided annoyed.

Regulus opened the door to the patio and enjoyed the sun that gently caressed and kissed his skin.

He stopped.

He had forgotten something, something was escaping him.

He had forgotten something, but he couldn't figure out what he was missing in this slow, lazy morning. What should he remember?

When the Sun and Stars Unite (Jegulus Oneshots)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu