the love of a brother

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The prefects shared confused looks. Regulus caught Potter’s amused eye and hurriedly looked towards Pandora who was frowning at McGonagall.

“Professor Dumbledore has decided, in the spirit of promoting muggle relations, that a practice common in muggle schools will be rolled in at Hogwarts,” she declared. Regulus felt his stomach flip uncomfortably, thinking of the letter his mother would likely send him when she found that out. Would she remove him from Hogwarts? What muggle practice were they going to be doing? What did muggles do in school other than use those strange writing tools and play strange sports like ballfoot and bambooton?

“Are we finally getting a sports club?” James asked eagerly. “I’m telling you, Minnie, Hogwarts needs to get into muggle sports.” Regulus hoped not. He barely survived seeing Potter looking gorgeous after Quidditch. Muggle sports were much more hands on — how would Regulus cope? 

“Not quite, although we have discussed such activities,” she told him, and he grinned. “As some of you may be aware, muggles often have class assignments where students are required to write an essay on a particular topic. Much like we do. Although these topics are not school related. Muggles will have students write about a recent holiday or an important memory from their childhood or a time they felt proud of their achievements; essays like this allow teachers to assess a student’s writing capabilities and it can also give us insight into a student’s life experience.”

“Oh!” Lily gasped. “I’ve done that before! My primary school teacher had us all write about our favourite animal and why we liked them. I wrote about owls.”

McGonagall inclined her head, “Thank you, Miss Evans. An excellent example,” she glanced around the room. “As this is a new assignment, we believe it will go over smoother if a smaller group is tasked with this first.”

Understanding dawned on him but he stayed silent. His mother was going to throw a bigger tantrum than when the Wizengamot were discussing making muggle studies mandatory instead of an elective. It didn’t pass — but it came close. In a few years, Regulus suspected all students in first through fifth year would be taking muggle studies alongside their other classes. For muggleborns, they would be in a group learning wizarding culture and history.

“Do you mean us?”

Regulus rolled his eyes at the dim Ravenclaw who asked that question. Obviously she meant them. Who better than the prefects to endorse Dumbledore’s muggle loving tendencies?

“I do,” she hummed, “On the final day of term before the Christmas holidays, a special assembly will be held where a select few of you will be required to read your essay aloud. The others will simply turn theirs in for grading.”

Regulus’ stomach dropped as Pandora leaned forward, “Will we be given a grade for this assignment?”

“A certificate of completion will be awarded to everyone who participates. This is not mandatory, however, I implore you to take this opportunity to showcase your skills in writing and public speaking.”

“Public speaking?” a Hufflepuff fifth year repeated.

When the Sun and Stars Unite (Jegulus Oneshots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن