Chapter 1: Welcome to Freddie's Anime Convention!

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Freddie's Anime Convention

☆Leirad's POV☆

It took me a little while to get there, but, now I'm standing in front of the doors of the place, to be honest, the place looks pretty big, but I still have no idea what it's like inside, there's only one way to find out!

[Leirad proceeds to open the entrance door, upon entering he was amazed by what his eyes were seeing, there were a lot of people inside the building, children, teenagers and adults alike, some were eating pizza, others were talking and having a good time While the children ran from one side to the other through the building, the place had bright lights of different colors accompanied by different machines to make the place more vivid.]

Leirad: wow, it looks like a pretty lively and pretty place.

While Leirad admired the place, there were some young people located at one of the tables in the place who had noticed Leirad's presence, cheered up and started talking among themselves]

P1: Hey, isn't that Leirad?!

P2: yes, it's him!

P3: Sorry for the question, but who is Leirad?

P1: ok I'll tell you, Leirad is a fairly famous hero around here because he, along with his friends, defeated one of the most dangerous clans on earth.

P3: oh yeah? And what was that clan called?

P1: It was called the Sapphire clan, one of the most dangerous and uncaptureable clans that could have existed on earth, they were under the government's radar for a long time.

P3: I think I heard news related to that, they said that they had planned to make an orbital base in space in order to steal whatever they wanted without any problem, they were going to be practically unstoppable with that.

P1: mhm, but... apparently things didn't go the way they expected them to, about 10 minutes before they made preparations to take off, an unknown trio of people thwarted the Sapphire clan's plans. When the military reinforcements arrived, they got an unexpected surprise when they saw that the base was dismantled. When they entered, they saw most of the clan members unconscious on the floor.

P3: interesting... but what about the leader?

P1: the leader, along with several of his members, managed to escape, but some time later they were captured and sent to a maximum security prison called the Citadel.

P3: so, when they captured and took away all the clan members, didn't they question who could have been able to do what they couldn't have done for a long time?

P1: Yes, when they were leaving with all of them, there was a sighting of a blue and white biplane with the "1992" insignia in the middle leaving the site, in which a girl with long pink hair and green jade eyes who was apparently the one driving the biplane, while in the co-pilot seat sat a boy with red hair with ruby ​​eyes and lastly, there was a boy with blue fox ears and a tail with jade red eyes who was standing in the wings of the biplane, which they could easily identify as Leirad.

P3: ok, but how could they identify it was him so quickly?

P1: That's easy to answer, Leirad already had quite a bit of fame before being recognized worldwide, he had already participated in multiple attempts to defeat the clan, in which they were successful, but not 100% because the leader alongside Some of his subordinates always managed to escape, things got complicated for a short time, until in 2016, they had found the whereabouts of the remaining members of the clan along with the leader. They were located in a base far from Tennessee, since they knew where they were, they put together a plan, after that, they gave Leirad a call to help them one last time to defeat the clan once and for all, he accepted the offer, but not before bringing his friends alongside him to assist him with the mission and the rest is history...

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