26 January, 2024

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Dear Gillenia,

Honestly I'm not surprised if there will be an uprising. A spy from the Capitol leaked that the other contestants given red roses were locked into a room with night lock and I know their families will be devastated. But you should know that it's not just Capitol fighting districts and vice versa, but Capitol fighting the Capitol as well. For the fancy date challenge, Snow and I were locked in a room with each of us on either end of the long table. Tigris had made me wear a red gown and I wondered if she was foreshadowing my death, seeing as it looked like a red rose. Snow and I toasted to the Capitol, as per the custom, but he noticed I hesitated to take a sip. It smelled like night lock juice, which was the same hue as wine. Snow pointed out the smell of his, so I told him not to drink it. Then I remembered, before I entered the room I saw an avox with purple-stained fingers walking away from the kitchens. Then I realised, as did Snow, and the cameras, the I had saved him from assassination! Now, here is a secret you must keep. After a lengthy press conference about the mishap, Snow pulled me into a corridor and into a closet, then pushed a button on the back of my dress which I thought was the mic. It turned my red dress WHITE. He then told me that Tigris was in on me becoming the champion, but now I must become so for saving him from peril. I just hope he keeps his word by morning. I can't believe it, he wants me to be his wife, the First Lady of Panem. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think he loves me...and I love him. I hope you're not upset, as this may change everything. However, he did add, if all goes favourably tomorrow, he will visit 12 with me to help me say goodbye. Oh I wonder if Flint has been watching...

Poor Cillian. I think what he needs right now is a friend to hear him out, which is why he needs you. What does he think about the potential uprising?

P.S. You stay safe too! I assure you, Coryo is keeping me close.

P.P.S. Yes, I call him Coryo, and he's calling me darling.

Your friend,


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