Sweet sweet music

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Three weeks had passed and the Jikook couple had got used to be together.
Namjoon as a manager had decided to keep the dance troupe on but in a slightly different capacity.
They were used for other artists tv shows and to teach younger upcoming idols how to perform but had a lot of free time too.
Jungkook had been busy the last two days recording with Suga .
Jimin was sat on the sofa when Jungkook came home it was nine thirty.
The door slammed and Jimin looked up.
"Kookie your home!"
He jumped up going to hug the other but was shrugged off.
"Not now Jimin I'm tired,"
Biting his lip Jimin asked quietly,
"D-do you want me to make some food,"
Jungkook tutted.
"Just leave me be ok..."
Jungkook stormed off to their room throwing his clothes off and walking into the shower.
"Damn it why didn't the song sound good whatever way he sang it it didn't sound right...."
He and Suga had spent hours playing around with it but left it for another day right now he was annoyed and tired. He knew he should apologise for his rudeness to Jimin but right now he just needed to calm down.
Jimin sat biting his lip. Jungkook had never shouted  at him before........was he starting to get on his nerves. He paced back and forth across the sitting room floor. Jungkook hadn't come back down should he see if he was ok? About to go up he heard Jungkook words in his head ," just leave me be"
No he'd stay down here, best not to upset him more.
He sat on the sofa it was getting a bit chilly so he curled up into a ball on the sofa hugging his legs and gradually  dropping off to sleep.
Jungkook awoke with a shock to find himself laying back on the bed he rubbed his arms feeling that the temperature had dropped,glancing at the clock he frowned one thirty? Where was Jimin?
He walked downstairs shocked to see Jimin curled up asleep but shivering.
Sighing he lifted him up and Jimin turned into his body
"Kookie....sorry," he mumbled
Jungkook looked down at him and hugged him close annoyed at himself for being an asshole.
"Sssh baby let me get you to bed,"
He carried Jimin upstairs undressing him as he was so sleepy and putting him to bed covering him then cuddling up to him once he got changed and into bed.
Both fell asleep in each others arms something that was a welcome part of being together.
Jimin awoke first and was startled to find himself in bed until fuzzy recollections of the night came back.
Biting his lip he tried to slide noiselessly from the bed but a hand gripped his waist.
"Where you going?"
"Erm...I ,well you didn't eat last night so I thought I'd make breakfast...,it's ok you don't have to erm talk to me I'll disappear while you eat....."
A sudden tug and Jimin was flat on his back Jungkook hovering over him.
"Im sorry baby...forgive me? I had a shit day recording one song but it doesn't sound right and Suga and I tried for ages but something's off."
"It's ok it was frustrating for you,"
"Even so I don't need to take it out on you slap me down if I try it again!"
"Um,I'd rather not your quite......forbidding in that mode...."
Jungkook peppered little kisses all over Jimins face making him giggle.
"Come with me today ?"
"Won't Suga mind?"
"You kidding he keeps telling me to bring you"
"Really why?"
"Something about you showing an interest?"
"Oh...I did say it must be fun creating these songs,like the one you were humming yesterday."
"Eugh don't that's the one causing me problems"
"Really? But it sounds so nice...and the words are....."
Jimin shut up afraid of looking an idiot.
"What baby,the words are what?"
"Well it's a love song isn't it?"
"Yer it's called 'we two'"
"We'll just listening to it tells the story of unfolding love,your a good writer"
"Thanks baby,my personal cheer leader.."
They kissed leisurely then got up and showered before making breakfast together cleaning up then leaving for the studio.
Suga greeted them,
"Come to try out Jimin?"
"What!no I.....oh your joking,haha,I'm just keeping Kookie company."
Suga gave a half smile then sighed,would this boy never realise how good he could be.
Suga and Jungkook sat together playing the tapes from yesterday,over and over they played then discussed something then played again.
Jimin got up from the chair walking to look at awards on the wall,he hoped Kookie wouldn't get upset again but it looked like nothing was being resolved.As the music played over and over Jimin worried in his head,when he worried he hummed if he didn't him he sang to himself......or not.
He suddenly realised there was no noise he turned from the pictures he'd been looking at to find the two looking at him.
Had he been noisy walking around,was he annoying them?
"I can go out if I'm interrupting..." he said nervously
Jungkook stood up coming towards him.
"You're a genius!"
"I-I am?"
"Of course.....you sorted the problem!"
"Me...I did?"
"You did,it's a love story between two people it makes perfect sense that two should sing it!"
Jimin was confused.
"So how did I help?"
"Get in there put on the headphones once the music cues you sing."
"I can't sing!"
"Baby you've been doing it the last five minutes!"
Jimin looked at Suga who nodded enthusiastically.
"But I'm not professional get a proper singer....."
Jungkook took his hand walking him to the booth once inside he turned Jimin,
"Please...for me?let your lovely voice out....."
"But how do I sing?! "
"Just be yourself.....pretend it's our love song..."
Jimin stared at his lover,biting his lip then nodded,perhaps Jungkook didn't know it but that's why Jimin loved the song because he had those feelings, he knew Jungkook was the love of his life.
He put the headphones on but fluffed the start,Suga said it was ok,calm down and be himself.
Ready for the music this time Jimin closed his eyes and sang his heart out all the love he had for Jungkook making it easy to portray the lover in the song.
Once he finished he opened his eyes to see Suga and Jungkook high fiving each other.
He slipped the headphones out and walked out.
"That was great Jimin once it's mixed in I think that's it for this one,do you want to hear it?"
"Oh...it's ok,if any of it gets used I'm glad I could help....er Kookie,I'm going to go to the cafeteria I saw you want anything?"
Jungkook stared at his boyfriend who had just performed like a pro but was so disconnected to the whole thing.
"Jimin you should hear it you'll like it"
"I already told you I liked it,it's a great song,me singing a bit in it won't change it....ok well I'll be down there I can see you two are dying to get on"
Waving his small hand he wandered out.
Suga and Jungkook looked at each other.
Both burst out laughing.
"He doesn't realise he's made it the song everyone will love,probably the song of the album!"
"I knew it,I knew he would sound good,I'd love him to pursue it more," Suga whined
"So this is what you had up your sleeve,you want my boyfriend to be a singer?"
"Well it had crossed my mind.....scared of the competition?"
"Nope,I'll be his number one fan!"
Both got down to some serious recording mixing the voices,cutting in until they were both convinced that was the finished song.
Jungkook stretched as did Suga.
"Shit! Jimins been gone for nearly an hour and a half,I didn't realise we had carried on this long."
"Go take him to lunch take a couple of hours,I'm meeting Tae anyway."
They both walked out going downstairs only to find Tae and Jimin together.The pair of them were talking animatedly unaware of the envying glances they were getting from girls and guys alike,both so different looking but striking in their own unique way.
Suga and Jungkook both went into alpha mode claiming their boyfriends and leading them away from the admiring glances.
"Hey Suga not so fast,are you that hungry?"
"Just missed you Tae er let's get outta here,kook shall we all go to the same place?"
"Yer..." the other said keeping his arm around the smaller turning his head and glaring at the people behind .
Tae and Jimin were oblivious and just walked along talking about anything and everything
Soon they were at a place where they could cook their own cuts of meat and have noodles and rice.
"Oh god I'm going to burst,I seriously need to do a workout," Jimin groaned having eaten his fill
He leaned back tipping back his head.
Jungkooks eyes travelled over his face his beautiful neck in display and then further along his body,gulping when he felt himself getting aroused.
Suga snorted and raised his eyebrow at Jungkook who just shifted in his seat.
"Tae wanna come to the gym,you could put those new. Shorts on display."
Suga whipped his head round to look at Tae who was smirking.
"I do look good in them ..."
"Er Jungkook I'm afraid I'm unavailable this afternoon can we meet tomorrow ,I wanna take Tae home,er gotta show him......"
"Sure actually I gotta show something to Jimin,let me pay the bill and we will walk back to my car...."
The sudden eagerness in the two made Jimin and Tae look at them surprised  then shrug and allow themselves to be escorted out.
"Mmmm, I wonder what Suga has to show Tae?""
Jimin said innocently as he watched the streets fly by from the car window .
"Oh I'm sure you'll know.."Jungkook said lightly his lower body twitching slightly.
" I wasn't kidding though I do need to workout...." The smaller male mused pouting.
Jungkook grunted speeding up slightly .
Jimin frowned as he realised they were pulling into their home.
"I thought you had to show me something ?"
Jungkook didn't answer jumping out of the car he quickly went round opening Jimin's door and tugging him out.
"So what do you need to show me in such a hurry?" Jimin whined as he got in the front door.
"This....." Jungkook groaned slamming Jimin back along the wall and pressing against him with his obvious arousal as he claimed Jimin's lips.
Jimin was soon moaning in excitement as Jungkook plunged his tongue inside his mouth claiming him tasting him,sending shivers of arousal through him as the horny male kissed along his neck and onto his sensitive collarbone as his hands crept under his top.
"Im agh....Sure Suga....mmmm ,isn't showing.....mmmm Tae this!" Jimin gasped
"Wrong baby,Tae's probably getting fucked stupid right now...."
Jungkook suddenly picked Jimin up and carried him to their bedroom where he slid Jimin to the floor and grabbed his top pulling it over his head.
"Kookie!" Jimin gasped gulping and stepping back only to have his lover stalk towards him with lust filled eyes.
"You don't even notice when others are staring at you and you show off your beautiful neck so innocently...now strip!"
Jimin nervously slipped off the rest of his clothes turned on by the dominance in the other. He sat on the bed leaning back slightly showing off his body sexily.
Groaning Jungkook threw off his own clothes then stood in front of Jimin heavily aroused.
"Put that pretty mouth to use," he demanded
Pouting Jiminleaned forward his lips encompassing the hot neediness in front of him,looking up at his boyfriend as he did so.
Aaaah! Fuck your mouth is so good....."
Jimin willingly sucked and swirled his tongue around and along the length gagging slightly as Jungkook started thrusting.
Suddenly Jungkook pulled away breathing hard.
"Ride me...."
Jungkook lay back and Jimin clambered over him,rubbing Jungkooks leaking length at his hole he pushed down gasping at the pressure and fullness.
Jungkooks hands rubbed along his thighs then pumped Jimin's arousal as he readied himself.
He began to rock above Jungkook getting faster as he got into a rythm,
"Ah yes Kookie!" He moaned
Jungkook thought he would never see a more erotic sight than his boyfriend above him fucking himself on his hard length.
Suddenly an evil thought came into his head,blanking out how best he could he pumped Jimins arousal and spoke,
"Who's a bad boy for flaunting himself?"
"I am...oh god....Kookie"
"So don't you think you should be punished?" Mmm yes Kookie punish me,"
"Ok baby..."
He pumped Jimin gritting his teeth as he got more aroused,
"Ahhh Kookie I'm gonna cum!"
Timing it just right Jungkook gripped the base of Jimins arousal just as he came so that he dry came gasping as he couldn't release but the sensations were there.
Jungkook rolled them over pulling out making Jimin whine more.
"What's the matter baby,I did say I'd punish you,aw is this pretty hole wanting more?"
He spread Jimins legs sliding a finger into the pulsating hole,making the other moan and push down on it.
"You want more?"
Pushing in two more he hooked them finding that sensitive bundle of nerves which made Jimin moan out loudly .
"There we go is that better baby?"
"Yes,yes ahhhh!"
Digging his heels on the bed he pushed onto Jungkooks nimble fingers feeling his stomach tighten making him gasp. Jungkook smirked not this quick baby,
"Ah look at your hole clenching on my fingers ....I shouldn't neglect this either...."
He used his other hand to play with Jimins length
"How's that baby?"
"Aaah so good oh Kookie faster faster it's "again he dry climaxed keening as Jungkooks fingers gripped his base in one hand and pumped his oversensitised nerves with the other.
Pulling his fingers out and watching in fascination as Jimins hole clenched over and over
"Does my baby like his punishment?"
Panting as his body reacted to his two dry orgasms Jimin shook his head.
"No? Maybe this will make you feel better!"
Pushing Jimins shaking legs back exposing that clenching puckered rim more he slammed into him hitting his sensitive prostrate dead on.
Snapping his hips quickly he leaned down to capture jimins moans with his mouth.
Jimin felt like all his nerve endings were on fire his length bounced between their bodies his eyes rolled back as he gasped out," harder please Kookie I want...."
Jungkook slammed deeply into him grunting as his own pleasure built to its peak.
Jimin couldn't help but hold onto his lover as if scared he'd pull out when suddenly he wailed out his release ,
Seconds later Jungkook groaned loudly as he came with force inside Jimin whose hole gripped him tightly milking him of every drop.
About to pull away Jimin clung onto him
"Nooooooo!! Don't even move,it's too much!"
So sensitive down there Jimin just clung onto his lover as his body refused to relax,clenching over and over.
Jungkook waited until he felt Jimin's body finally relax before he pulled out flopping to the side.
"Well that was fucking amazing !"
"Why did you tease me!!!"
"Oh baby I made you feel good in the end though"
"Huh! I'll never walk again !"
"That's ok I'll just fuck you as you lay here..."
"You!" Jimin rolled to his side hitting his boyfriend's muscled chest as the other laughed at his cuteness.
"It's your own fault, you let all those people in the lobby ogle you then show of your amazing neck while talking about working out!"
Pouting Jimin huffed," you're just a needy pervert, I'm sure Tae is being shown something interesting right now!"
"Yer Suga's dick,he got horny to you boys are good looking then he tells his lover how good he looks in shorts?!"
Jimin blushed then went to get up.
"Oh my god you've crippled me!"
"Wait here I'll run you a bath..." jungkook walked to the bathroom.
"Wait here? Where else do you think I'm going you, you Neanderthal !!!!"
Jungkook soon came back carrying him to a bubble bath.
"You relax I'll shower,"
Jimins eyes kept going to the figure in the steamy shower embaressed when the other caught him.
"Want more of this ?"
"You stay away from my poor plundered ass!"
Chuckling Jungkook finished off.
"You relax for a bit,I'll change the bedding and get you some painkillers,"
Jimin closed his eyes.
Fifteen minutes later with a towel still wrapped around his waist.
"Come on sleepyhead," he helped Jimin stand washing him down then pulling the plug and wrapping Jimin in a towel.
He carried him to the bed drying him gently the helping him sit up to take some tablets and juice.
Jimin winced as he lay down trying to get comfortable jungkook whipped his towel off and climbed in pulling Jimin gently to him so he could lean across him and not lay on his abused ass.
"Go to sleep...."
"But it's daytime...."
"Who cares you've been busy,we made music,then we made sweet sweet music together" Jungkook smirked
"But I'm your weirdo!"
"Yer my weirdo...." Jimin mumbled before he fell asleep.
"God I love you baby,maybe it's about time I told you ...."
With that thought Jungkook closed his eyes listening to Jimin's puffy breaths before he fell fast asleep too.

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