Anti social butterfly

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"Omg,look he's there!" Tae whispered loudly in his ear.
Jimin had wanted to hold back once they entered the grounds of Jungkooks house but Tae as always the party animal had dragged him forward .
In the bus here,Tae had made his presence felt introducing himself to the others and soon had everyone laughing and joking with him.
It always amazed Jimin how Tae would want to be friends with someone the complete opposite of himself,but since school at age twelve when Tae had moved there ,he had become Tae's best friend and soulmate.
"Ah Jimin glad you could come....and your we have already met,yes?"
"Er hi...sorry I was drunk that night and I'm sorry if I was rude to you and your friend..." Tae said charmingly while his eyes zeroed in on Suga who was walking to join them.
"Well you certainly made an impression...didn't he Suga?"
"Hi Jimin and my lap dancer...Tae isn't it?"
"Hello again,maybe I can show you some of my moves to dance?"
Suga raised an eyebrow then pulled Tae to the patio area where others were dancing to the music blaring out.
"Your friend is very......confident isn't he?"Jungkook said,staring after them then turning to Jimin who tugged anxiously at his t shirt.
Today he wore sinfully tight black jeans with a white t shirt with the word lover written on it.
Jungkook thought how well those jeans caressed his shapely butt and other areas.
"He knows what he wants if that's what you mean?"
"And what about you Jimin,what do you want?"
"Me?.....I have what I want,a job dancing....."
"And other things?"
At Jimins confused look he ran his finger along the word lover staring meaningfully at him.
They were interrupted by a female voice,
"Jungkook sweetie,you should mingle with all your guests....not staff....there are some high profile people here..."
"Maya....this was supposed to be a low key get together for my new dancers you've turned it into a circus,who do you think you are?"
The woman called Maya pouted,
"Jungkook really?aren't I supposed to be your personal assistant...,these people can be helpful to you and why are you frowning at me?Turning to Jimin she sharply said," please don't try to take all of your bosses time up...go mix with your group...."
Jimin nodded going to walk away but Jungkook held his arm.
"Apologise to him..."
"Jungkook don't make a scene over a dancer..."
"Maya,your my staff too yet you seem to think your more important than him....?"
"But I'm,well technically staff but we are close aren't we?"
"It's ok Mr Jeon..." Jimin tugged at the strong hand but was held firmly in place.
"I won't have her being rude to you,@
"Are you seriously defending him over me?" Maya stuttered.
"Yes,I'm getting a little sick of you butting into my normal life Maya,you were told to organise a small barbecue for my new dancers,you without consultation turned it into something that will get back to the media...,it's not the first time you've gone against my wishes but it will be the last ,I no longer require your know the way out my manager will be in touch about your severance pay."
He waved two men over who had been standing around.
"See Miss Lai off the premises and collect her pass keys."
The stunned woman found herself briskly walked out before anyone else was aware of what had gone on.
"C-can I have my wrist back please?"a quiet voice said.
Jungkook  glanced down and let go frowning when he saw Jimn rub it.
"I'm sorry is it painful?"
"Um no it will be fine...I'd better go mingle..."
Jimin rushed into a group of people disappearing from Jungkook view.
"Hey Kook,this get together is larger than I expected..."
Suga's voice had him turning to see the other male standing with a drink."
"Yer,Maya's fault....I've sacked her..."
"About time,I got fed up with the amount of times she tried to stop me from seeing you."
"What! Why didn't you say?"
"I dunno,I rather liked seeing her frustrated face when I turned up..."
They both laughed then an energetic bundle came towards them,
"Suga where's your staying power,gosh I love this place and these people,I need to break into the industry my life is so boring!"
"I'm sure it's not...,your too...enthusiastic to be in a mundane job"Suga laughed slipping his arm casually around Tae's waist.
"I'm a Pa for a man who ogles me all day but gets the glory for the hard work I do ,but it pays the bills for now..."
"Your a PA?" Suga and Jungkook said disbelievingly.
"Hey,beneath this frantic charade their beats a heart with good business sense,I have to let loose outside work or I'd go mad!"
"What does your company produce?"
"Mens fashion ,I like clothes ,I'm good at picking up coming new designers which in turn makes my boss look good when I tell him to order in designwesr,"
"And I thought you were just a good looking face!" Suga smirked.
"Are you kidding,look at me...look at Jimin...,I made him buy a whole new wardrobe once I knew who he'd be touring with and boy didn't I do a good job,he looks sexy as hell right?"
"Im sure whatever clothes he has would have been ok he didn't need to pay out extra.." Jungkook said worriedly.
"Let's just say a homeless man looked better than Jimins old wardrobe...he only spends on dancewear,his old clothes were two sizes too big and worn as fuck they are now in charity the way where is he?"
"He went over to the others I think....Tae are you serious about another job?"
"Why you got one,want me to be everyone's counsellor,or bed monitor,there sure are some handsome dudes here..."
Suga mumbled something while Jungkook spoke up.
"I just so happened to have retired my obnoxious old PA,so I need a new one...fancy the job?"
"Are you freaking kidding!!!yes of course,damn I'm going to text my resignation right now,holy fuck this is too good.I gotta tell Jimin!"
He ran off and Suga eyed Jungkook.
"You sure you know what you're doing?"
"Soon find out anyway I'm doing you a favour,he seems to have caught your eye and your coming on tour too so it's a win win..."
"Yer.....I think I'll just make sure he doesn't connect with any of those good looking dudes here while I'm here!"
"Yer well you have the key to the annex...just don't be too loud!"
Suga smirked walking away.
"Jungkook was looking around for Jimin but got stopped by his new dance troupe who were keen to show him how thankful they were.
"Sure guys eat and drink enjoy yourselves...."
Hey Jungkook....."
"Jin,Namjoon you came together?"
"Of course,much as Joonie tries to be the aloof manager I want people to know we are together so no one takes my man...."
"Jin...." Namjoon whined.
"It's ok Namjoon people have seen you making puppy eyes at Jin for years they naturally assume you're a couple..."
"They do?"
"Duh...told you,now chat to Kook while I investigate the food..."
Namjoon watched as his partner walked away.
"Look at you all in love,"Jungkook laughed
"Hey be kind how did I know someone whose been my secretary would take my heart,"
"Wow so the way I've fired Maya..."
"What!damn now I've got to find someone who'll put up with your dominating behaviour...."
"I'm not dominating.....I just don't suffer fools gladly and I've already employed a new PA,he's here somewhere unless Suga has carted him off..."
"Suga?what....damn it get his details sent so I can run through it....."
"Will go on enjoy the party,I have to find someone ...."
Jungkook strode off looking everywhere,where was he?
About to give up he stopped as he came to the alleyway between his house and the built on annexe,Jimin was sat on the floor with a cat across his lap talking to it.
"You waiting for everyone to go? Is this your home?you can wait with me til my friend comes back,I'm on my own too,everyone here seem like they enjoy all the hustle and bustle but I just don't seem to fit in,even though I got new clothes which I'm glad of,Tae was right I would have been so embaressed if I'd worn my old stuff.....anyway it's not like anyone sees me you know what I mean? It's like I'm invisible really I don't have great social skills....."
Jimin looked up hurriedly and stood up the cat running off somewhere.
"Oh er hi again..."
"Come and join us...."
"Oh er I thought I'd wait for Tae I just saw him and Suga go in here....they must be getting something so I'll wait......"
"You might have a long wait.....they are both definitely getting something and will be a while....."
Jimin stared confused for a minute then went bright red at Jungkooks meaning.
"Oh....oh erm,I'll um......"
"God you're adorable....."
Jungkook walked closer staring hungrily at the other,
"Yes you...damn it....."
He put a hand in Jimin neck pulling him towards him and claiming those plump lips in a hungry kiss groaning at the sweet taste before pulling back then pecking them again," adorable," he muttered again.
"Now come on let's see some dance moves out here!" He dragged Jimin to the patio yelling,
"Everybody dance!!"
Jimin stared then giggled as Jungkook twirled and danced making everyone join in,others nudged Jimn dancing with him grabbing his small hands and twirling along with him which is where Tae found him later as he came out of the annex with a smiling Suga who wouldn't let go of him.
"Hey babe,let's dance or are you too sore?" Tae asked.
Suga mumbled to himself but didn't let go of his lovers hand,
"I was a bottom,I'm never a fucking bottom,what have you done to me?"
Tae leaned down whispering," but you've never had anyone like me before have you babe and I don't like to be predictable you can be too next time...!"
"Next time....hell yeah...let's dance!"

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