Anything for my baby

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A knock at the door had Jimin moaning as he turned to the sound.
"Hush baby just sleep,"
Jimin needed no more encouragement.
Jungkook slid his sweatpants on and quietly opened the door.
"Oh you're still here,Namjoon is looking for you,I got up here before he came up but he's on his way!"
Both were standing in the doorway when they heard a cough.
"Everything ok boys?"
Like guilty deer they stood there frozen
"Nope fine all fine"
"Ok then I'll just come in Kook..."
He pushed past walking into the room," Jimin?"
A yelp from the bed had both rushing back in.Jimin was staring wide eyed at his boss's manager while Namjoon looked around confused.
"I er um.....kook why's Jimin in your room?"
"I'm in his room stupid.....careful Jiminee it's ok you don't have to hide," he told the small male who was trying to cover himself with the duvet.
"Er,I think I should go...." Tae said backing out and disappearing.
Jungkook went and opened the blinds letting daylight stream in. Then he sat next to Jimin holding his hand.
" you two,are er?"
"Together" Jungkook said making Jimin look up at him.
"And how do you want to handle this,"
"It's ok sir I won't make trouble for Kookie I can hide away."
"But I don't want you to,"
"But Kookie...."
"No you're not a dirty little secret so we will stand proud!"
"That may not be so easy when we get home you know how judgemental our country is,it could affect your sales forthcoming events..." Namjoon said.
"Do you let anyone dictate about you and Jin?"
"Well no but I'm not as in the public eye as you are and there have been times at business dinners we haven't announced our relationship everyone just thinks he's my secretary."
"And Jin accepts that?"
"Well.....I ...."
"You've never asked him have you? Shame on you Namjoon."
Namjoon had the grace to look guilty,then he looked at Jimin." What's your opinion on this?"
"I......honestly,I never saw it coming and have been a bit of a coward about it....but...(he squeezed Jungkooks hand) if Kookie wants to come out like this,I'll be standing right next to him!"
Jungkook smiled at his lover finally standing up for himself.
" is this going to be fed gradually or like Whammy?"
"If we are seen together and asked we are not going to deny it."
"Ok then. Let's see how it the coach is leaving tonight at seven thirty to travel to vegas it will arrive the day after tomorrow with stops along the way."
"No....Jimin needs comfort get us both a flight out today and extend my stay there."
"But you have the luxury coach!"
"Well you and Jin use it....have some bonding time,long time since you went on the road."
"Actually we will,Jin will love it,what about Tae and Suga,"
"They were already booked on the coach plus I want Jimin and I to have time for ourselves."
"Ok,I'll get back to you on the flight"
Namjoon left and Jimin finally wriggled out of bed the bruises more painful today.
"Hey what you doing!"
"I need to pee but I couldn't get up with Namjoon here he'd see I'm half naked!"
"Jimin...we are all males?"
"So....I'm not flashing my bits off to him!"
Laughing Jungkook followed Jimin right up to the door,which was closed in his face.
"Aw spoilsport!"
"Go away,let me pee in peace!"
Chuckling Jungkook through himself back on the bed then he sat up,Jimin would need to pack! He got the suitcase out and methodically packed things away,putting out Jimin's passport and plane bag.
Jimin stepped out with a towel around his waist looking at the neatly packed suitcase.
"You did all this?"
"Sure did,your passports there have you got anything in the safe?"
"Er my money but I need to buy a new wallet,"
Jungkook got his phone out,
"Tae go to the shops in the ground floor get Jimin a wallet,yer a good one."
"There he will bring it up so your all packed apart from your wash stuff,I'll get it from the bathroom," Jungkook beamed proud of himself.
Jungkook came back to find Jimin opening drawers and doors.
" think I'd forget something? I'm good at packing!"
"Yes you are but erm.....what am I wearing today?!?"
Jungkook actually blushed from embarrassment ,
"Oh shit,I forgot you have to dress!"
Jungkook stared at the case it was so tidy, he got his phone out again,
Add underwear a T shirt and jeans for Jimin,trainers?er no their by the door and his jacket and hurry up he'll get cold in his towel!"
"Kookie,what are you doing I could have got my stuff from the case!"
"But it would get messy then!" The idol whined
Jimin shook his head in disbelief.
"Oh my outfit I have to get it back to wardrobe to clean!"
"Tae took it last night."
Fifteen minutes later a knock was heard and Tae stood at the door.
"Come in Tae Tae ,you didn't spend much I hope?"
"Pfft,you think he can't afford it?"
"That's not the point..."
"No things are cheaper here," he lied sliding the bill out the bag.
"Wow this wallets real leather!" He took his money from the safe," tae can you give Jungkook what I owe him I'm still not sure with this foreign money"
He turned away to the clothes bags missing Tae and Jungkooks shake of heads as they saw the meagre amount of money Jimin bought with him which wouldn't cover more than the cost of the boxers and T shirt Tae had got from the exclusive shop downstairs.
Jungkook shoved all the money into the wallet and put it next to the passport.
"Wow Jimin that bruise has come out more!" Tae said in concern
"It's ok my own fault really luckily Lindy from the bar found me....oh gosh I suppose I really should thank her should I give her money or flowers or what?She kept asking why I was in that area once she found out the hotel we are staying in."
"I's ok Jimin I got this..."
About to go Jungkook stopped him murmuring and gesturing when Tae left Jimin looked at Jungkooks not so innocent face.
"Spit it out what did you do?"
Jimin raised an eyebrow and stared trying to look like he was in charge while Jungkook thought how adorable he was.
"Ok,ok,Tae will go see Lindy and ask when she is free to take an all expenses paid night at this hotel with some thank you cash thrown in as well for helping you."
Jimin's lips pouted then he got teary," Kookie that's so sweet,"
"Baby don't cry I don't like to see you cry!" Jungkook carefully held the other to him rubbing his back.
"I can't help it,nobody has done this much for me before!"
He held Jimin til he calmed then helped him dress.
"Damn did Tae have to get jeans that show of your ass so well?" Jungkook grunted as he tugged them up over said ass.
"I know right? I could have probably got loser clothes when I shopped with him but he said this type is all the rage?"
"I'm not complaining babe I love your ass I just don't want others ogling it!"
Jimin chuckled as if Jungkook had said a funny joke totally unaware he meant it!
"Right we are finished here,let's go to my room got your plane bag I'll carry the rest,"
Jungkook only let Jimin pick up the light over shoulder satchel he kept his passport and wallet in,he grabbed the suitcase jacket and his clothes from last night and opened the door to walk to his room.
"Jimin! We heard about the robbery are you ok? Where are you going?"
"I'm er....,"
"Jimins coming to my room,he won't be going on the coach with you all as the doc said he should rest,so I've just packed his stuff and now I'll pack mine we are flying there,so will see you in a couple of days"
Leo one of the dancers stared from one to the other then smiled," I knew it,thanks guys I've won twenty bucks,have a good time!" He laughed.
"Twenty bucks?what on?" Jimin asked confused
"At a guess I'd say it's if we were a couple or not!"
"You mean they have all been guessing!"
"Well we didn't exactly hide our interest in each other!"
"Oh gosh!" Jimin reddened
"It's official now going back"
Jimin smiled and walked into Jungkooks room sitting on a chair.
"Here order room service we haven't had breakfast yet just ring down"
Jimin looked at the menu in confusion,he could hardly point at pictures over the phone.
"Kookie," he whispered," I-i can't read it properly"
Jungkook saw the way Jimin felt by the way he shrunk into himself .
"Hey baby I'm sorry,I remember when I first came here I'd point at pictures,then I got Namjoon to teach me basic things,don't worry your pretty little head it's no biggy!"
He grabbed the phone reeling off a list of instructions before replacing it smiling at Jimin then grabbing his cases as he always took too much rather than too little.
He hummed away singing some songs to e gentle sounds making Jimin relax back in his seat his eyes gradually closing until he nodded off.
The light door knock roused him,
"Breakfast sleeping beauty"
The waiter wheeled the trolley in set the table and left.
"Wow it all smells so yummy!"
"Try all of it you can tell me what you like and I'll tell you what it is in English "
Soon both were eating and laughing as Jimin tried to pronounce things.
"No no its S-c-r-a-m-b-l-e-d eggs
"Schambowled eggs?"
"Near enough.."
"I like bayycone and schambowled eggs!"
"Bacon and scrambled eggs well done and this is?"
"Crumpet wid buterrr"
"Yay! Well done"
Jungkooks phone rang
"Hey. Joonie ...when?no that's great we are ready to go send them up to my room ,check us out will you,are you down there now?I'll give you our keys,"
Jimin looked at him.
"Time to go my men are coming to get our cases,it's a six hour flight but better than 37 on the tour bus."
"Ok better use the loo,"
He rushed in using the fascilities then washing his hands and tidying himself before he came out to find Jungkook with some orange juice in one hand and tablets in the other.
"Your medication"
He nodded as Jimin swallowed it down before he put the glass onto the loaded food trolley then used the bathroom himself.
He came out as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in guys,my cases and Jimin's too please,are we going out the front or back?"
We will use the service lift sir there's a few hangers on camped out front"
"Ok then let's go"
They walked out at a fast pace before Jungkook realised the smaller male was breathing harshly to keep up.
"Sorry guys let's slow it eh Jimin is injured"
They immediately slowed their pace and Jimin smiled gratefully at them.
Using the service lift they came out in a delivery area where a large dark car was waiting and another car in front.
Jimin climbed inside the luxury interior and settled down and soon both cars were travelling to the airport.
This time Jimin sat right next to Jungkook with guards further back in the seating.
"You okay baby?" Jungkook asked as the plane started moving.
"Of course,my protector is with me," Jimin answered earning a loving smile from the other and his hand was held and kissed,
"Anything for my baby," he murmured lovingly.

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