At last

702 55 4

How could I ,what would the others think! Jimin face was a rosy red after he'd woken up on the plane almost caressing Jungkooks hand which had probably gone numb from sitting like that for so long.
"I'm so sorry,I feel such an idiot....,erm I should go back to my proper seat what must the others think!"
"Stay right where you are the others know you're onboard so it's fine,want a drink?"
"Huh,oh better not on an empty stomach..."
"What you haven't eaten yet,I thought I'd told you about healthy eating?"
"I did,I mean I ate breakfast but....i got so nervous I threw up..."
"Tsk!the food should be around soon but..."
He rang the buzzer and a hostess came over .
"Can you make my friend here a chamomile tea?"
She nodded departing only to return minutes later passing a cup to jimin after he fumbled with the tray table.
Jimin sipped the drink enjoying the calming taste.
Twenty minutes later a meal was served  and Jimin was amazed at the choices.
"Wow this looks so good!"
Jimin tucked in hungrily.
"Hey slow down it's not going anywhere!" Jungkook laughed
Jimin stopped embarrassed
"No don't stop just a little bit slower your get indigestion !"
Jimin nodded," but it's so yummy!"
Once the food was eaten Jimin relaxed looking the other half lived,this part of the plane was luxurious.
"Hey Jimin can we swop seats a minute I need to talk to Kook,"
Jimin looked up at Suga's question and stood up immediately walking to the seat next to Tae.
"Jimin,you ok now?"
"I feel so stupid Tae,what will everyone think?"
"Stop worrying about others,so what do ya think classy here isn't it?"
"I have an idea how Cinderella must have felt..."
"So who's Jungkook your fairy godmother?"
Both were laughing causing Jungkook to look up,he frowned as he saw Tae patting Jimin's back.
"Please don't kill my boyfriend," Suga whined
"If looks could kill Tae would be dead,their friends that's all you jealous weirdo!"
"Me ...,jealous? Huh!"
Suga laughed then carried on their conversation  for another ten minutes before going back to his seat.
Jimin sat back in his seat.
"It's really comfortable here isn't it?
"I can't say I noticed."
Jimin wondered at Jungkooks abrupt tone.
"So are you watching a film or sleeping?"
Jungkook sighed loudly,
"Why are you planning on talking the whole trip?"
Jimin felt hurt,he was just trying to be polite.
"Sorry I'll be quiet"
"That's why I pay for two seats so I have no one bothering me."
Jimin got the picture,he wasn't sure what had changed Jungkooks mood but he stood up and bowed to Jungkook before saying,
"I'll leave you in peace then and go back to where I belong."
He rushed off before Jungkook realised what was happening.
Jungkook went to stand up but Hobi stopped him.
"Leave it Jungkook, he's already stressed because of earlier  you chasing him into economy will only stir up problems..."
"Damn...why did I open my big mouth!"
"Because you were jealous at how friendly he and Tae are."
"What's with you and Suga,I'm not the jealous type."
"Yer you keep telling yourse of that..." Hobi leaned back closing  his eyes and relaxing.
For Jungkook the flight dragged,he kept thinking about Jimin's small hand in his and how protective he'd felt towards him.....
Jimin meanwhile had put up with the loud jesting from the other members.....he'd apologised for not getting back to his seat straight away and admitted how nervous he'd been.
"Jimin you don't need to hide things like that we won't think any less of you!"
"But I feel stupid I'm a grown man...."
"You're a human being just like us..."
The rest of the journey passed and Jimin only got nervous as they landed but his new friends chatted away to take his mind of it.
Once everyone had cleared customs ,the dancers and staff got into a minibus while The others travelled in a more upmarket version.
Jungkook looked over before he got in ,his eyes searching for Jimin, who studiously ignored him.
They arrived at a hotel where Jungkook had payed for the whole floor.
"They have allocated rooms...,as there are seven of you one will have a smaller room...?"
Jimin held his hand up," I don't mind being on my own..." he knew the others were glad as they tended to mix together a lot.
Jungkook frowned then turned to the desk picking up the keys and taking note of Jimin's room number he handed them out.
"This will be our base for three of the concerts,a few rules,don't turn up to practice drunk,use the fascilities here kindly and be polite to everyone ok?"
"There's a gym on the rooftop if you want to use it and meals are served in the restaurant three floors down.Tonight is your free time tomorrow we travel to the venue to rehearse,late start ten thirty,so for now your times your own..."
Everyone walked towards the lifts,Jimin seemed to be left behind the others when they got into the lift so he went to press the button again as a larger hand reached too.
Jumping he stepped back.
"Sorry you all go first,"
"Jiminee have they left you behind?"
"It's fine they all want to explore....."he said to Tae smiling.
"Oh......well Suga and I are going out with Hobi and Jungkook to a restaurant he er want to come?" Tae said awkwardly.
Jimin bit his lip knowing it was an off the cuff remark.
"Oh no....I'm just going to stay in the hotel...look around,enjoy yourselves."
"You can come..." Jungkook said but Jimin had had enough of feeling like a charity case.
"No thank you....I shouldn't intrude in my bosses time...."
The lift doors opened and Jungkook and his friends got in along with the bodyguards.
Jimin stepped back," I'll take the next," he said quietly.
He saw Jungkooks disgruntled face as the doors shut,how had he annoyed him now?
Jimin eventually got to his floor and trundled his case along looking at the door numbers until he got to his.
Unlocking it he went in,his eyes opening wide,wow this place was nice.
He unpacked then taking his key went down to the restaurant but felt unsure when he didn't know what to order and ended up pointing to pictures,which was just a starter.
"And for your meal sir?"
"No no "he shook his head smiling realising his mistake when a plate with toast and pate came.
He sighed but ate it quickly .
The waiters jotted his room number down and then he left.
He imagined Tae eating a big juicy steak and his stomach growled.
"Oh hush you don't want to get fat do you?"
He went back to his room then changed into gym wear and made his way there.
His phone pinged and he saw it was from Tae,a picture of as he imagined a huge steak and a what have you had?
He text back about his mistake joking it would be good to eat less and he'd work his 'big meal' off in the gym,then putting away his phone he started a workout.
"Why the long face babe?" Suga asked
"It's Jimin,he couldn't understand the menu in the restaurant so only ate a starter,now he's in the gym and I sent him the picture of my steak...!"
Jungkook heard and it made him feel bad,he pushed away his plate and stood up.
"Sorry guys I won't be joining you on a bar crawl I'm not feeling it,enjoy yourselves,I'll pay for the meal."
He left and got driven back,once there he told his bodyguards to take the rest of the night off.
He took the lift up to the gym and walked in when he saw Jimin with another male who seemed to friendly for Jungkooks liking.
Jimin looked hot and sweaty but to Jungkook just hot. Feelings he'd tried to hide came rushing forward when he saw the other man ogling Jimin's butt as he stretched.
He marched over grabbing Jimins wrist,
"You with me now!"
Jimin didn't dare argue Jungkooks face was like thunder,what had he done wrong now?
He grabbed his sweatshirt as he was hauled away to the lift.
"Erm,what did I do wrong am I not supposed to use the gym at this time?"
The lift pinged and they got in.
"You're mad and I don't know why ,if I've done something bad tell me,I won't do it again....."
The lift stopped at their floor and Jimin was hauled past his room to one on the opposite side five doors down.
Jungkook used his key card and pushed Jimin in.
"Look I ....."
Jimins tirade was stopped by hungry lips claiming his.
He gasped and a tongue pushed into the sweet recesses tasting the smaller male.
A small moan emitted from Jimins throat and he kissed back,he didn't know why it was happening but he'd take it.
Greedy hands went under his top feeling his body.
"Oh.....I'm all sweaty," Jimin murmured trying to pull back but he was pulled back against the muscled,very aroused body of the other.
"Why were you letting a stranger ogle your butt?"
"He was?"
Jungkooks reply was to slide his hands into Jimins sweatpants and knead his ass.
"Nobody but me..." Jungkook growled.
"Yes me,"
"But I just seem to make you mad....."
"No you don't I was mad at myself..."
"But you basically made me feel like me being in the seat next to you was annoying..."
"You're not tantalise me,I want to see what's beneath this innocent exterior..."
"I'm not innocent! I'm a grown man......"
"Let's find out shall we?"
Jimin was lifted up easily and taken to the bed where within minutes he was naked.
Embarrassed he tried to hide his own arousal.
"Oh no baby let me see what I'm going to ruin,"
Emboldened Jimin answered," fairs fair,let's,see what you've got."
Jungkook laughed surprised and stripped off making Jimin gulp seeing what sprung forth.
The next minute Jungkook hovered over the smaller male raining kisses on him and suckling on his nipples.
Jimin gave as good back and soon Jungkook was rifling in a drawer pulling out a bottle of lube.
"Came prepared?" Jimin said raising an eyebrow
"Just hopeful," Jungkook replied nudging Jimin's legs apart and skilfully entering him with his long fingers.
"Fuck your tight,"
"It's...been a while...." Jimin gasped
Jungkook searched and found the bundle of nerves that had Jimin moaning in pleasure.
"Ahhh yes there..."
Jungkook stared at the beautiful male underneath him,his face had a rosy flush and he was biting his lip as if to stop his moans.
"Oh no baby I wanna hear you..."
Removing his fingers he lubed himself up and plunged in deeply both gasping.
"Fuck so tight I won't last long..."
Jimin just moaned loudly as Jungkook pushed deeply inside him hitting his erotic bundle of nerves.
"Oh yes right there oh god..."
Jungkook held Jimins hangs either side of his head as he pounded into him .
Jimin felt so many sensations as his own member rubbed between them and Jungkooks fast pace had his body tightening,
"I'm going to cum!" Jimin moaned before releasing between them,Jungkook groaned as Jimin's release triggered a tightening from his hole and he gave a loud groan as he released deep inside the tightness.
Panting he pulled away rolling to the side.
"At last..." he murmured
"At last I have you right where I want you,in my bed naked,,
Jimin grinned," well maybe if you'd been nicer to me I might have been there sooner!"
Jungkook chuckled," quite the sassy retort!"
Jimin suddenly fell silent.
"I can hear your brain overthinking what's up?"
"I don't know what comes next,is this just a get it out of your system fuck,or let's be fuckbuddies for the tour or bang anyone we want or....."
He was pressed into the mattress,
"It's a finally got you let's be close...."
Jimin blushed under the others gaze then shuffled out the bed," I need to shower,"
"Go ahead...." Once Jimin had gone he rang room service before striding into the shower surprising the other with a quick make out session, before they both washed up and dried off.
Jungkook dressed in casual sweats,Jimin eyed his sweaty work out gear with distaste.
"Here," Jungkook threw him a t shirt which covered his but leavings his thighs on display .
A knock at the door sounded,startling Jimin who alarmed ran into the bathroom .
Jungkook laughed and went to open the door.
Minutes later he called Jimin out.
Jimin poked his head out and seeing nobody there came out only to find a covered plate on the table.
"Sit down and eat,I heard about your restaurant disaster..."
"Tae!" Jimin grumbled before lifting the lid and groaning in pleasure at the large hamburger and chips.
He swiftly dug in and Jungkook found himself watching everything that went into those pouty lips.
When he finished he groaned in appreciation until he saw Jungkook staring at him,
"What? Oh sorry did you want some?"
"My appetites for something else...."
He swung Jimin up going to his bed and proceeding to show Jimin his large and varied appetite!

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