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"And so I'd like to thank everyone who has supported us during my mini tour,all you fans are why I do this , thank you and goodbye!"
Jungkook, the dancers and musicians waved at the crowd on the final night in Hawaii and rushed off as they were due to fly back on a night flight.
The resounding cheers and applause went on even after they left the stage.
Quickly driving to the hotel everyone was warned to congregate in the lobby in an hour.
Jimin and Jungkook had done most of their packing beforehand.
They got inside their room quickly stripping off their clothes to shower then coming out in robes to eat the snacks left out for them.
Dressing comfortably they were ready when staff came to collect their luggage and they walked down to the lobby hand in hand.
Jimin leaned tiredly on Jungkook.
"Tired babe?"
"Mmm,aren't you?"
"Yes and no I kinda getta buzz from performing....which is why I use up my excess energy fucking you love."
Jimin hit his arm," stop it people will hear you!"
"Aw still so innocent?who was moaning so loudly when I blindfolded them and had mind blowing sex like that?"
Jimins red face made Jungkook laugh out loud and others turned to them questioningly .
"Private joke," he said putting his arm around Jimin.
Soon they were on their way to the airport.
Jimin nearly nodded off in the car so was happy that they didn't have to wait long before they got on the plane.
Settled into his comfy seat he was fast asleep before they even took off.
Most people were sleeping,jungkook sat and chatted with Namjoon who showed him comments from the tour both good and bad.
Eventually tiredness got to them all and the plane became silent.
Due to the time difference after the long flight it was nine thirty in the evening when they landed, walking of the plane the group were loud and having fun.
"So remember guys tomorrow two thirty we meet at the building ok"
Everyone nodded and made their way to customs to leave.
Once through Jungkook,Jimin,and their five friends were progressing to the exit when there was a shout,
"There,there he is....."
Jimins head shot up to see his mother and father standing with two burly men.
"Get him go on....." his mother said to the two men who slowly walked towards Jimin.
"Excuse me sir if you would come with us?" One of the men gripped Jimins arm causing Jungkooks security to step in.
"Get off me who are you?"
"Your parents employed us to take you to the hospital,"
"Hospital what are you on about?"
Jimins mother rushed up angrily,
"Hey you mind your own business he's our son we have every right to get him help!"
Jimin stared at his parents then the men.
"What did she tell you?"
The two men now looked a bit confused.
"Well er that you had agreed to be escorted to the hospital as an in patient?"
"Why is that mother?"
"You know why, you need to be set straight,these people have confused you,once your made right things will get back to normal."
"Oh my god!" Jungkook said these people would do anything it seemed.
"Your services are not needed keep whatever they paid you I not only don't agree with it I never will and as I'm an adult I've long stopped doing what my parents think best.....did you know what you were taking me to?"
Both men shook their heads.
"Conversion therapy,my parents don't like the fact I'm gay,yes mother I'm gay and proud of it so get your sick bodies outta my face,I never want to see you again!"
"Look man we were told you were a little bit cuckoo and off your meds,conversion therapy that's sick....sorry for holding you up."
Both men walked away leaving Jimins parents yelling.
"We paid you! It's not wrong what we are doing! Jimin you have to come back with us,we have packed up your apartment you have nowhere to go,we can make you better."
"You two are unbelievable,my home?you had a key in case of emergency not to relocate my stuff."
"We threw most of it away,those clothes they are for sinners! Showing your body off for men!you come with us and you pay us to keep you..."
"No........I never thought I'd say it but I hate you and will never pay a penny to you again,Namjoon I don't care how much it costs me can you get me some sort of no contact ban on them?"
Namjoon nodded then ordered the bodyguards to escort everyone out.
Jungkook held onto his lovers hand feeling him shaking.Tae hugged him from the other side knowing Jimin would be mixed up and sad right now.
They got to their relevant cars and Jimin clung to Tae,the one person who was always there.
"It's ok Tae,you and Suga can stay at mine,"
Nodding the pair got in the car Jimin didn't say a word just held Tae and looked forlorn .
Once at the large House Suga went and made himself at home in the kitchen.
Tae looked at Jungkook who showed them upstairs to the master bedroom. Tae sat on the bed with Jimin who just turned to his friend and sobbed. Tae patted his back and murmured encouraging words to him,Jungkook stood unsure wanting to be there for his lover but not sure if that's what Jimin wanted right now.
"Jimineee do you want to stay here for a while just with Tae?"
Jimin nodded into Tae's chest so Jungkook grabbed some clothes and went to the shower in the large gym, once done he went down to Suga who by the smell of it was making something delicious.
"Tae with Jimin?"
Jungkook nodded
"They've been friends a while man don't worry about it.....that was some performance his parents put on!"
"How could they do that to their own son? No wonder Jimin has trust issues!"
"Here I opened a bottle of wine,"
Both men sat and chatted while upstairs Jimin stopped crying.
"Tae.....why can't my parents love me ?"
"Jimin your parents are the one with the problem,I've seen how they use and mistreat you all under the guise of being good parents but......."
"But what?"
"They are not good Jimin......your father gave up his job to live off your money,your mother spread rumours that you rarely gave money and how hard their life was ....."
"He gave up his job? Why how do you know?"
"Your father used to work in an office my friend worked at,he said your dad had been picked up on some sloppy work he'd put in, so he turned round and said he didn't need a job and was quitting.....I hate to say it but from what I can gather your dad was lazy on the job when he was working."
"Why didn't you say?"
"Would you have believed me,didn't your mum tell you how hard your father worked?how many hours she put in at the dry cleaners?she cut her hours Jimin I used to see her wandering around the shopping mall when I was at lunch."
Jimin stood up biting his lip,
"Why am I crying for them? They are a disgrace,let's go down!"
Washing his face quickly he went downstairs with Tae.
Jungkook stood up with his glass in his hand,
"Ok babe?"
Jimin swiped the glass chugging it down.
"I'm great just great and starving!"
"Well I'm just dishing up maybe more wine kook?" Suga laughed seeing his friend holding the empty glass Jimin had handed back.
"Oh god don't let Jimin drink too much wine he's a bit of a handful if he has too much."
"Tae don't you dare!" Jimin threatened
"But it was funnny!"
"What?" Both Suga and Jungkook asked.
"Jimin and I were at a bar,we decided on wine usually Jimin will have half a glass.....that night he was feeling adventurous" Jimin groaned covering his face
"Our very gay Jimin,chatted up this beautiful woman at the bar had her eating out of his hand only for a man to appear get very aggressive and say he was her boyfriend ."
Jungkook and Suga gaped at the small male.
"Jimin quick as a flash said " wow man she's good looking but your a hunk I could turn gay for you and smashed his lips on the guys!"
Now Jimin tried to shut Tae up but he was having none of it.
"The guy rather than turn and thump Jimin started really getting into the kiss hands roaming and everything.when Jimin pulled back the woman started hitting her boyfriend calling him names,meanwhile I grabbed Jimin and we fled the scene with him yelling" my job is done!"
"I just got out the army,I hadn't drunk much,blame Tae he took me there!"
"You came onto another man?" Jungkook huffed jealously" what was he like?"
"I couldn't tell you,we got in a taxi and I crashed at Tae's had the biggest hangover....."
"You and Tae have never.....?" Suga asked
"Ew no!" They both said
"We are soulmates"
"Best friends"
"Don't wanna mess that up!"
They all sat down eating and drinking but Jungkook replaced Jimin's wine with cola.
"I'll wash the stuff up as you cooked Suga,"
"Thanks Jimin,just wanna say,your an alright guy don't fret in your parents your better than them.....kook which room can we have?"
"Oh right down here you two there's an annexe let me show you."
They said goodnight to Jimin and took their cases
Jimin washed up everything then found his case going back to the room he'd been in.
He went and used the fascilities then showered washing of the grime from travel.
Wrapping a towel around his waist he walked into the bedroom Jungkook lay on top of the bed in just his boxers.
"So you kiss strange men?"
"That was a one off...."
"Hmmmmm,show me your sorry"
Jungkook stood up stalking towards Jimin.
"Show me you want me,"
"I wanna hear you scream my name"
He whisked the towel away and walked Jimin to the bed pushing him backwards so his legs hung over the end.
Jungkook squatted down his lips encompassing the growing member and his legs spread either side of jungkook who tugged him forward slightly then licked from the top to the bottom down to the tightly puckered hole now on view.
Jungkooks tongue brushed across it making precum appear using his fingers to spread him a little he lapped against and into it wetting it for the finger he suddenly pushed in.Jimin gasped as that finger toyed with him while the tongue licked his length.
As more fingers entered Jimin moaned.
He jumped as Jungkook Su seemly hit those nerve endings again and again.
Every time Jimin got near Jungkook stopped until Jimin was a hot mess.
"Whose are you baby?"
"Just fuck me already"
"Tut,tut who does this ass belong to baby?" Jungkooks fingers strummed against that bundle of nerves.
"You,you Kookie I belong to you," Jimin said as he tried to thrust against those fingers only to have them removed as Jungkook stood up kicked his boxers up and dragged Jimin up slightly before plunging deep into him.
Jimin let out a wail of pleasure as Jungkook semi lifted his hips to the right height and pounded into him watching Jimins face flush his lips part as suddenly spurts of white erupted from and onto him.
The tight clench on his length as Jimin released made Jungkook pound harder his fingers sure to lea be marks on the other as he gripped harder as he released into his liver.
Jimins still clenching hole milked him of every drop weakening his legs.
He pulled out going to the bathroom to wash off about to come and clean up Jimin when the other came in and showered again.
Once they were both done they climbed back into bed cuddling and kissing until Jimin tried to hide a yawn.
Pulling the other to him he said,
"Let's sleep ...."
Jimin sprawled over his muscled chest his body comfortable.
"Night Jimin"
"Night Kookie I love you," the other yawned
Jungkook was startled at the confession he was sure Jimin didn't know he'd said.
"Ditto" he whispered kissing the top of his little lovers head.

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