And down to work

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Jimin flopped on his bed,they were two weeks into learning the routines.
They were staying in an isolated country house where an old barn had been converted into a massive dance studio and music recording area.
The country house had a massive kitchen they all ate their meals in and each had their own bedroom.there was a tv lounge and games room and two cars were provided for those who wanted to venture out in their free time .
Jungkook would arrive at a later date once they had learned the routines,at the moment it was Hobi the choreographer and a few staff,apparently the house was owned by the recording studio Jungkook performed under.
Tae had been in touch with him regaling him about how wonderful his new job was and that he too would come down when Jungkook did,apparently Suga too who would be using the recording studio there.
A knock on the door had him jumping up and he opened it to find Hobi there.
"Jimin can I come in?"
Jimin nodded stepping back,had he done something wrong,shit did they regret employing him?
His fingers twisted together nervously.
"Hey....don't's nothing bad can we sit?"
Jimin nodded letting Hobi take the chair while he perched on the edge of the bed.
"So let me say,I'm very pleased with your work ethic you have picked up the routine very well.....I do think you should rest up a bit though,I'm well aware you practice late at night too,can't you sleep?"
"I don't want to let anyone down....i just practice to get better....."
"But the body needs rest as well so don't overdo it.....saying that looking at your resume I see you studied modern dance and got honours in it?"
"Yes,although it's a totally different style......why?"
"Well......we are looking to put a piece in halfway through the concert,this allows Jungkook to rest his voice a bit and hydrate and change without rushing....we want to give you a piece a modern dance piece where only you will perform give the audience something to see as they wait for Jungkook,a visual that connects part one with part two where the songs are more laid back less raunchy,you dance,Jungkook comes back chats to the audience for a while why you change and catch your breath then come back ready for the next song."
"Me?you want me to do it,erm.....I'm sure that won't make the others pleased...."
"Jimin it's mine and Jungkooks decision,the others haven't got the talent to carry it off,don't worry they won't feel left out they will in turn be in the forefront of other performances so it's a win ,win so do you agree?"
" love too,"
"Great starting tomorrow you will be learning the routine before breakfast 6,45 until 7.30 ok?"
"Yes of course thank you,thank you so much!"
"No problems,oh Jungkook will arrive tomorrow afternoon,he knows the routines already having given input previously but he will have to rehearse with you all for the different songs and you all have more routines to learn,rest up it will soon be supper..."
He left leaving Jimin to squeal and jump on his bed hugging the pillow.
He flopped on his back smiling then he bit his lip,Jungkook would be there from tomorrow...his fingers touched his lips remembering Jungkooks kiss and how good it had felt would he.....
"Stupid Jimin....its not like it meant anything to him stop thinking like that," he berated himself.
Curling up he closed his eyes,just for a minute he thought....
An hour later and he walked into the kitchen to find everyone eating.
"Sorry I'm late," he collected a bowl and filled it from stuff on the table but he could feel eyes boring into him.
He looked up the whole troupe were sat as if waiting for something.
"W-what is something on my face ?"
"Ahh Jimin we are waiting,Hobi told us about your solo aren't you excited?"
Jimin gulped," well yes but I was worried about what you might think if I started talking about it,I didn't want to sound conceited......"
"Ah Jiminah we are glad for you,you truly deserve it."
"T-thank you,"
'Hobi so what will he be doing?"
Hobi explained the plan and there was a lot of discussion on what Jimin should do and what Jimin should wear and Jimin felt happy that everyone was so kind. After eating everyone wandered off,some to the games room some to the tv lounge.
Jimin decided he would do all his laundry in the laundry room in the basement which was accessed by a heavy door which Jimin struggled to open the catch seemed stiff ,he must remember to tell someone later.
He carried his washing bag down putting it in the machine then sitting on a bench as it washed.
He heard a bang and through a tiny window saw a flash of light.He cringed he didn't like thunder storms .He put EarPods in and listened to music flinching when a louder bang could be heard above it,he put the washing in the dryer looking at his watch it would be really late when it finished the others had probably already gone to bed,if he hadn't have fallen asleep earlier he could have done it then...!
A clap of thunder seemed to shake the house and Jimin shook along with it.
"Close your eyes and turn your music up," he told himself.
It was gone midnight when the dryer stopped Jimin folded the clothes and hurried up the stairs as quickly as he could.
Turning the handle he pushed to no avail,the heavy door didn't budge.
"No,no,no" Jimin said frantically as thunder boomed again.
He pushed and pushed and hit the door with his hands.
My phone he thought,he pressed it on only to have it cut off straight away where the battery had died where he had been listening to music.
He couldn't believe it,he sat on the step hoping someone would hear him but the door was heavy and old fashioned muffling any sound and his hands became sore hitting it.
The dim starlight showed him the time on his watch it was now nearly one and he knew everyone would definitely be in bed as their days were long people only stayed up late on a Friday or Saturday night as weekends were not as busy.
The basement seemed to get colder and Jimin wrapped his arms around himself,he was cold and tired nobody was up and staff didn't start work until the early morning.
He took out a washed hoodie putting it on then using the bag as a pillow he curled on the step trying to sleep but not settling until the storm died down at three.
Hours later his gritty eyes opened he felt so cold and his legs and back ached from curling up on the stairs.
He squinted at his watch 6.50.
Panicked he tried standing up groaning then wriggled the door handle. Nothing.
He thumped on the door his knuckles reddening,twenty minutes passed and he tried one last time yelling in frustration .
The door knob rattled,after some minutes the door jerked open .
"Oh my goodness Mr Jimin,are you ok how long have you been there?"
"All night(cough) please fix it so nobody else gets stuck,"
"Of course, oh dear your poor hands,we should get someone to look at you.."
"No I have to change I'm late..."
He carried his laundry to his room he couldn't text Hobi as his battery was dead,so he washed quickly then changing into dance clothes with the hoodie over the top as he still felt chilled.
Rushing as quickly as his aching body would allow he went out to the barn walking with his hands in his pockets and coming face to face with an angry Hobi,about to apologise he was stopped by the other holding his hand up.
" excuses....i thought you were truly different.....dedicated keen to succeed....your given a chance and you think you can suddenly make up your own rules....forty minutes! Forty minutes I waited for you,you assured me you wanted this but actions speak louder than words,I'm disappointed in you Jimin,I really don't want to see your face right now I'm so angry!" He turned and strode out not hearing the thump as the other passed out on the floor.
Hobi felt let down and angry as he walked to the house stopping as a car screeched to a halt and Jungkook got out.
"Hobi how's it going?" He asked following the other inside.
"Humph!" Was his answer.
Tae not used to being up this early tailed behind.
"What was the hurry kook why insist on driving down so bloody early?!?!"
"God you two are grumpy,Tae I'm eager to start and Hobi what's got your knickers in a twist ?"
"Damn ungrateful brats!"
"Who anyone in particular?"
"Jimin?" Tae and Jungkook both said.
"Offered him the solo and told him to meet me at 6,45 this morning ,forty minutes late he comes in,I told him I'm not putting up with that behaviour!"
"Jimin?my Jimin he wouldn't do that......" Tae said.
"Well he did,he can't blame the thunder storm keeping him awake as that applies to us too..."
"Jimin hates thunderstorms....he's scared of them...."
"What?well er it's still no excuse....."
"Mr Hobi,is Mr Jimin ok?poor thing..."
Everyone turned to the house manager,
"Yes,he must have told you about being stuck in the basement all night,that damn door,I've called someone in to fix it,his hands were sore from banging on it and he didn't look well when he was eventually found,I offered to get someone to look at him but he was worried said he was late for something..."
"My Jimin was locked in a basement during a thunderstorm!!!fuck where is he?"
"Oh fuck!" Hobi said looking distraught," I didn't even let him explain!"
He rushed out,Jungkook and Tae following quickly.
All of them gasped as they saw the pale figure collapsed on the floor,his sore hands now evident to see.
"Omg Jimin I'm so sorry..."
Tae went to pick him up but Jungkook got there before him.
He lifted him up easily cradled him against his chest and hurried back to the house.
"Call a doctor,which is his room?"
"The one opposite your suite sir"
Jimin coughed and his eyes fluttered open.
"I'm sorry Hobi I tried....." before he went limp again.
Tae hurriedly pulled back the covers and Jungkook lay him down.
"I think he had a fever,his body feels hot but he's shivering."
"I'll change him into pjs," Tae said but Jungkook frowned not liking the idea.
"I don't think......"
"You two outside Jimin and I have had many sleepovers and known each other for years you two,well he wouldn't want a stranger undressing him you catch my drift now scram...."
Both hurried out standing outside the door.
"I feel awful Kook"
"You weren't to know...."
"But I should have you know? Jimin trains more than anyone I know..... so when he didn't turn up I should have known something was wrong but he didn't say a word had his hands in his pockets and stood and took it....I said I didn't want to see his face again...."
Jungkook frowned,even hearing that reminded him of when he'd laughed at Jimin years before and how hurt he'd been.
He felt a pain in his chest.
The door opened and Tae called them in,
"he keeps muttering about the thunder and cold but he's sweating"
"Poor little thing he must have been scared"Hobi whispered.
"Yer he got caught in a storm walking home when he was small,the lightening struck a tree near him causing it to crack and fall,he was eight I think"
Footsteps were heard then a man came in.
"I understand I have a patient ,well if you would step out I'll examine him..."
They trooped out and fifteen minutes later they were allowed back in.
Jimins hands had been treated and wrapped in bandages .
"He needs plenty of fluids I have some medecine he needs to take 3 times a day he's caught a chill and his general health is a bit weak has he been eating properly?"
"Jimin snacks more than eats meals...." Tae said.
"He ate a little last night but now come to think of it ,there wasn't much in his bowl."
"Well he should eat three good meals a day,two days complete rest then gradually back, his hands will heal but will feel painful,here's some cream to put on once they start healing,call again if he gets worse but for now he will sleep as I've given him something ,"
The doctor left and the others turned to the boy now in a deep sleep.
"You two get settled in have breakfast..." Hobi said
"What about you?"
"I want to sit with him for a while ....i need to....tell the troupe practice will start at ten thirty today not nine."
"Ok but we will take turns later to sit with him,"
Hobi nodded then pulled a chair to the side of the bed staring at him," I'm so sorry Jimin," they heard him murmur as they left closing the door.

My kinda guyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora