On My Way

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A/N Again please tell me if I get any details wrong

And our thirtyfith and final selected is," I sighed waiting to see the last model of the evening. "Alexander Kirk, a five, from Carolina."

Holy Sh*t.

My sister was the first to start screaming. Then my mother. They both were jumping up and down out of excitement. I, on the other hand stared at the now black screen in disbelief.

"Alex can you believe it," my sister said to me with wide eyes. I just stared back at her. I couldn't believe it.

Why would they pick me? I have nothing to offer. Why do they want me?

Before we could begin to discuss our phone rang. My mother rushed over to answer it. "Okay," she said a bit too excitedly and hung up.

"Alex they said an official will be here to escort you to the airport any minute, he will have an outfit for you to wear."

"I don't need to pack a suitcase," I wondered. "No they said that the royal family will be providing all The Selected will hand tailored clothes and all supplies they might need," my mother said with stars in her eyes.

This was all happening way to fast. I had to leave my family and go live with all these boys who will surely hate me. I saw their pictures they're all very attractive and I'm not at all.
The prince will take one look at me and disregard me. There's no way he'd ever want to marry me.

Before I could think any further our doorbell rang. My mom and sister scrambled to answer it. "Hello," a stern looking man in a suit said. "I am here to collect Alexander."

I stood up from the couch and walked toward to door. "Ready to go," the man questioned. I nodded and hugged my family members goodbye. Our goodbyes felt sad but before I could get emotional the man swept me from my own house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I arrived at the airport still in a bit if shock. This can't really be happening to me.

All throughout the car trip (which was long) I started to think about what being Selected entails. I mean sure Prince Hoying is smoking hot but I know nothing about his personality. He could be a total asshole. And here I am vying for a chance to marry him.

The man and I walk into the airport. I had been given an outfit to wear that all the other boys would be wearing. It is a simple white dress shirt and black dress pants, much nicer than any of the clothes I own. He
leads me to a bathroom where I can change.

The only way to differentiate between The Selected is a flower pinned to our shirts. We each wear the flower of our home province. For me the flower of Carolina is the orchid.

Before I enter the bathroom he hands me my orchid. Then he closes the door.

Now I'm on my way.

Choice of the Prince (The Selection/PTX crossover) *Scolex* (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now