Ugly and Imperfect

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A/N So I wrote this three times and each time it didn't save so yeah the chapter is gonna be really short because my own sanity can't handle rewriting it again.

I kicked the dusty road as I walked home through my neighborhood. It puffed up in clouds around my ankles and swirled away slowly.

I suppose my interview had gone well but I definitely seemed awkward. That's because 1. I am bad at social interactions and 2. The people in line made me extremely nervous. The boys looked at me like a piece of trash. Even the straight boys thought they had a better chance than me.

They were probably right.

I just felt unappealing. Men had never shown any interest in me. For a while I thought it was because I was too young but now I'm nineteen and totally old enough to be dating.

I mean some of my friends are engaged or even married. Why not me?

The simple answer is I'm ugly and imperfect.

Really, if I don't like myself how the hell is somebody else going to like me?

They'd have to be a very special person.

Choice of the Prince (The Selection/PTX crossover) *Scolex* (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora