The Selected

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A/N It's finally my school's summer break!! So now I am going to be able to update much more frequently (yay). I really do apologize for my lack of updating. It frustrates me when books I'm reading don't update so I'm being exactly what I don't like. Also I'm sorry if all the details that were in the real book do not transfer over (it has been a while since I read the first book in the series) feel free to point out my mistakes so I can correct them.

It's been three weeks since I cried in my room that night.

I wouldn't say my self esteem has gotten worse but it definitely hasn't gotten better. I think that low self esteem is what makes me who I am and I really can't change that.

Anyway today is very important (at least in my mother and sister's eyes). Today they announce 'The Selected' on television. Out of the thousands of entries we come down to the final 35 . Those are the boys who go to the palace and get weeded through by Prince Hoying until he has made his descision.

My Mom is convinced that I have a chance at being selected. I know it won't happen and if it did the Prince would send me home on the first day after meeting me. I just know it.

So basically at 8pm tonight, my whole family will gather around our terrible little television as names of boys from all across Illea are called to be part of 'The Selected'.

I know that many of them will be straight, just looking for money and fame. That angers me to the core. The Prince doesn't deserve a boy who doesn't feel love towards his gender let alone him. What will happen when the Prince tries to kiss one of those boys? Will they just go along with it or will they reveal there straight sexuality?

I have absolutely know idea. We'll see I guess.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Three hours later) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alexander, come on they're about to start," my father yelled from the living room. I sighed and grudgingly walked out of the comfort of my bedroom. Not wanting to watch what was to come.

"Alex come ooooonnnnnn," my sister yelled as I thumped down the stairs. I sauntered into the living room at the end of her scream "Relax, I'm here," I said while flopping down on the living room couch.

A few awkward seconds later the television crackled to life and the faces of the royal family appeared. I had to admit Prince Hoying was VERY attractive.

"Welcome citizens of Illea," the host said with a huge fake smile. "Tonight we get to see the 35 fine young men that have a chance to be our new Prince." Prince Hoying smiled with excitment. It was adorable.

"Well lets get right to it with our first young man," the host paused for a second to look at the paper in his hands, undoubtably holding the name of each boy, his caste and what county he was from.

"Our first selected is," he said pausing for effect. " Mitch Grassi, a two, from Clearmont." A picture flashed onto our screen of a thin man with long angled bangs and beautiful brown eyes. Great, I guess the comity picked out models this year. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Our second selected is Ashton Blue, a four, from Kent." Another picture appeared. This time of a muscular boy with curly hair and a wide smile. Again practically a model.

This went on for a while.

"Erik Brass, a four from Bankston."

"Benjamin Keeper, a four from Angeles."

"Ryan Amber, a three from Columbia."

I stopped paying attention. I caught the occasional name or saw a picture but I wasn't really thinking.

I tuned in again as the program was about to finish.

"And our thirtyfith and final selected is," I sighed waiting to see the last model of the evening. "Alexander Kirk, a five, from Carolina."

Holy Sh*t.

Choice of the Prince (The Selection/PTX crossover) *Scolex* (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now