You Have to Submit a Form

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I woke up and rubbed by eyes as the light spring breeze streamed through my open window. Smells of minimalistic breakfast wafted up the stairs, and my family talked (undoubtably about me) while cooking. I rolled over and stood up. Pulling on a pair of khakis over my boxers and starting my morning stumble down the stairs.

"Morning Alex!" My little sister yelled as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Arizona," I grumbled while rubbing my eyes and sitting down at the table. My mother plopped a very small bowl of oatmeal in front of me and sat down herself. I took a bite. It wasn't bad just there wasn't enough of it. I was finished in about ten seconds.

"So Alexander," my mother started. My mom and dad were the only people who called me by my full name. "I want to talk to you." I groaned, I already new what was coming and it was far to early in the day for it. "You know today is application day for the selction," she continued. Yep I had known what was coming. "Mom you know I don't want to," I huffed. "But you must," she said excitedly. "You could marry the prince Alexander," she almost squeled. "You could be a one." There was the ringer. My caste would go up.

I knew I was going to apply so there was no point in putting up a fight. "You know that I'll do it," she began to smile "but I won't get picked, why the hell would they pick me mom." "Alexander Language!" She scolded. "Sorry mom," I mumbled under my breath. "Alright now go get yourself all handsome," she said ruffling my hair. I stood up and walked up the stairs and closed my door.

I looked my shirtless self right in the mirror and said "Alright, time to get pretty."


I walked nervously to the city office where the forms for the selection would be submitted. There were boys all around me. Normally I'd find that exciting but right now it was all pure anxiety. I hated crowds and I hated to have to socially interact. I was so bad at it. I just hoped I wouldn't have to talk much.

As I entered the line I eyed up the boys of all castes. Some sevens who were dirty and wearing construction clothes all the way to threes who looked like models. I swear some of them had had a spray tan. I looked down at myself and felt ugly. Some of these boys were fit enough to be swimsuit models. Sure I was muscular but I just didn't feel right. I knew the prince wouldn't ever want me. Why was I even here? I had no chance.

The worst part about this was that a lot of the boys here were known to be straight. Even Kristian Sarnick was standing in line who was a known player and was engaged to a WOMAN. They all were here for fame and they didn't care if they had to uncomfortably be with a man to do it.

After being broken out of my train of thought I stepped forward into the building. My thought process had taken up most of the time in line. I nervously picked at my hair as I was escorted into my interview cubical.

"Hello, I'm Daniel and I'll be Interviewing you for your form today," a small dark haired man said once I was in the cubical. "Ok," I replied nervously. "I'm going to ask you a series of basic questions and all you have to do is answer them truthfully," Daniel said. I nodded and he began.

"First and last name?"

"Alexander Kirk."





"Favorite Food?"

I looked back at him strangely.

"The Prince wanted to know weird things," he replied with a laugh. I couldn't really argue with that.

"Grilled shrimp," I said sheepishly.

"Favorite Color?"


"Favorite Activity?"

"Playing the piano."

"Lastly, date of birth?"

"November 14th." (A/N I don't know his birthday don't give me shit)

"Ok your all done just step outside and they will take your picture."

I stood up and left. They took my picture and I started my walk home.

Well we'll see how this plays out

Choice of the Prince (The Selection/PTX crossover) *Scolex* (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now