Chapter 6

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Izuku was laying down on a bench he had created outside the room from project Meta. Now it has been a year with 72% completion, and things are really looking up for the two brothers.

With time dilation, they had all the time in the world to get everything done. And with the special effect, despite their bodies being in a different field of time, they still are only effected by real time. So they won't age quickly in the time dilation field. He'd have project Meta complete in 2 more years, and no one would've been the wiser.

He thinks back to his arsenal of digital quirks. Likely Gravity Manipulation, the one Izuku was very grateful for for his physical prowess. Dimension and Space Hole which was thanks to fused version of both of them, and which allowed him to create his secret lab on earth, and was minorly used for planet Auros. He had also come across some new and interesting ones, such as erasure.

The ability to nullify quirks through their eye sight is already and impressive quirk. It wouldn't help physically, but in the long run it was the most useful quirk he'd seen for battle.

He didn't know who's quirk it was, but it did not really matter to Izuku. Juu would always digitalize random quirks across the earth although it was still in a controlled fashion. While thinking about the quirks he's digitalized, he then gets a thought that grabs his attention.

'I wonder what All Might's quirk is.'

After having the thought, he asks his brother to search for it. He assumed that All Might had an extremely potent and strong strength enhancement quirk, but for the best, wouldn't need it due to All the other strength quirks he's got. However, what Juu finds of All Might's quirk leaves him astounded.

'Izuku... you really need to see this.'


'I'll relay the info of All Might's quirk.'

And so, Juu had revealed the information that was enough to completely surprise and shock Izuku, and to rock his world completely.

'The full name of his quirk is known as One For All.'

"One For All..." Izuku rolls the name of his tongue. He couldn't help but feel that the quirk sounded as if it had a special importance to it.

'One For All... is a energy stockpile quirk that boosts the strength, speed, and durability of the user. The most confusing and extraordinary aspect of the quirk...'

'...Is that it can be transferred.'

Izuku blue-screened at that last tidbit of information. Sure, quirks came in all shapes and sizes, but a transferable one?! That was just completely alien to everything he's ever seen from a quirk.

But that raised a question from him. 'Does All Might know his quirk can be transferred? Or... was he given One For All?'

'All Might was given One For All. He was originally quirkless. Like you.'

Izuku was even more shocked by today's turn of events. All Might was also quirkless?!

But instead of delving into All Might's history, Izuku looked into what was more important. "Juu. Search for me the entire history of One For All."

'Got it... way back in the past, during when quirks began to appear slowly, there were two brothers. Mugen and Yoichi Shigaraki. Mugen had the quirk called All For One. A quirk... that gave the ability to steal quirks.'

And even more shocking news came to the white haired toddler. Quirks were really strange, were they?

'And so, the world dubbed him as the villain named after his quirk, All For One. The symbol of evil and the scourge of the underworld. He built his own army from the shadows, sometimes through the use of forcing a quirk onto them. By doing that, a speck of his soul was inside them and thus, allowed him to control them from the inside.'

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