21. i bet you think about me

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LONDON was surrounded by noise

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LONDON was surrounded by noise. It wasn't calm like Narnia. The windows didn't show the ocean. They couldn't go to the yard, where they used to relax by the fountain. They couldn't go to the woods and run for hours, feeling the breeze against their skins. Lucy always went back to those places whenever she stepped into the street. She almost got ran over, the driver saying, "Mind yourself, love."

"I'm sorry." She apologised before running off.

Susan was reading a magazine by a kiosk when a guy stepped besides her. She was uninterested, continuing with her reading. "You go to Saint Finbar's?" He asked her.

"That's right." She replied politely, moving her eyes away from the magazine briefly.

"I go to Hendon House. Across the road." He told her, but Susan made no attempt to reply. "I've seen you..." She looked at him, confused, "sitting by yourself."

Susan blinked a couple of times before glancing away, "Yes, well... I prefer to be left alone." She turned around, facing the road, and hoping that he would've gotten the hint.

"Me, too." He replied suddenly. "What's your name?"

Susan, clearly annoyed, said, "Phyllis." But her lie was for nothing, as Lucy ran in calling her name.

"Susan! You'd better come quickly." Susan looked back at the boy before leaving the magazine behind and running off. They entered the train station, where many kids gathered around a fight. Walking in between the crowd, they caught sight of Peter being held by two bigger guys. He looked right at them, Susan shaking her head in disappointment. They threw him to the floor, although he managed to push one of them. Then, the other pushed him against the wall. Edmund appeared, making Lucy call out for him, "Edmund!" He jumped into the guy who was hurting Peter, but it wasn't until the police officers came that the fight came to an end.

"Act your age!" One told Peter, who mentally scoffed.

After fixing Peter's clothes, which were all messy, the four of them sat on a bench, waiting for their train. "You're welcome." Edmund said to Peter.

"I had it sorted." Peter replied, getting up with annoyance.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked him.

"He bumped me."

"So you hit him?" Said Lucy.

"No. After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologise." Peter deadpanned, "That's when I hit him."

"Really, is it that hard just to walk away?" Susan tried to reason with him.

"I shouldn't have to." Peter argued, "I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" He was, he was so tired of having to pretend that he was a teenager. Of having to pretend he didn't have someone waiting for him at the altar.

"Um, we are kids." Edmund reminded him.

"Well, I wasn't always." Susan and Edmund exchanged a glance, while he walked back to them, "It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" He asked while sitting in between Edmund and Lucy.

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