03. savior complex

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IT made so much sense to Peter that someone who didn't care about being covered in blood had a dragon

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IT made so much sense to Peter that someone who didn't care about being covered in blood had a dragon. When Pandora had cleaned herself, she had walked past his siblings and him again. Now wearing another one of his dark capes, with a dress underneath. Lucy had waved at her, and she waved back with a smile of her own. Which quickly faded as she nodded at the General, who walked past her. He had a feeling that her smile towards Lucy wasn't fake. But that she didn't smile often. Susan was curious about her, as she seemed both confident and cold. She glanced at her brother, furrowing as he didn't take his eyes off of Pandora. Peter had never acted like that, yet again, all of them were doing things they had never done before.

Lycaon joined Pandora's side, and now the three watched as he explained something to her in hushed conversation. The girl glanced at the siblings over her shoulder, and they were surprised when she rolled her eyes in a rather annoyed way. Both of them stopped by Aslan, who awaited for them with a calm expression. Nothing like the ones the duo had. Pandora sighed before saying, "One of them is a betrayer?"

Aslan didn't change his expression as he didn't give her an answer, "I see Lycaon has informed you already on their arrival. Tell me, my child, why haven't you introduced yourself to them yet? It is your duty to protect them, is it not?" He did raise one of his eyebrows, giving her a pointed look.

She rolled her eyes again, while Lycaon took a step back, "They are children, Aslan. They cannot take us to war." She scoffed, adding, "They even have been betrayed by their own blood. What kingdom can we expect from that?" Lycaon and Aslan shared a brief look, one she didn't take notice of as she glanced away. If she had looked at them, she would've realised they were keeping something from her.

"Do not dare to question our Kings and Queens. After all, they will rule soon." She scoffed again, looking down at her hands while the lion looked more defensive, "Pandora, I think you will be surprised. Age isn't an issue here, it's whether they believe in themselves or not. In Narnia. And if you truly believe their age is a problem, then you mustn't be part of this war."

She glanced up at him in alarm. Pandora wanted to fight, she needed to do it. For her country. "And why is that?"

"Well, if you lived in their world, you would be the same age as King Peter." Aslan thought that would help her loosen up, but it did nothing but anger her.

"You're failing to remember we're not on their world, Aslan." She said angrily before walking away, her pace fast and fierce as she went somewhere else to calm down.

Aslan sighed, turning to Lycaon in worry, "What should I do with her, Lycaon? I need her on their side."

The black haired man thought for a bit before replying, "Give her time. Maybe once she gets to know them she will want to fight for them." Although unsure, Aslan nodded, and then walked away from the werewolf. The lion took notice of Peter, standing above a hill as he stared off into the distance.

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