10. i did something bad

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year 1006

ANOTHER body dropped to the ground, blood pouring out of its stomach. Lycaon glanced up to their leader, Pandora, who was transformed into a wolf as well. Only werewolves and wolves had been allowed into the mission, one that took them less than two moons to complete. Pandora was the only exception, as she could also transform into one. When she was finished, she glanced about, "Yield or die." Was all she said before the fight truly began. It didn't come as a surprise when the wild wolves preferred to die rather than surrender. Yet, it didn't change the sorrow Lycaon was feeling. He wished those like him would see the world the way he did, but it never came. At least, not for those. There were others like him, loyal to the crown. But there were many that had been loyal to the White Witch, and now ran free.

The crown showed them mercy. Pandora did not. He didn't understand where that rage had come from. The werewolf was used to see her like that during battle, but she had been becoming more merciless, careless as well. When the fight ended, he thought about bringing the matter to the Kings and Queens, but no one else. The court would turn against her, if they saw the darker side of her. One she had been covering with a pure exterior. And those who knew of her family, would say that she finally went mad. Just like her aunt had done. Her mother wasn't that much of a saint either, as she was sometimes called The Butcher. She had always been kind, but a threat to her family brought fire within her.

Jade was who killed the traitors above the stone table. It was now her daughter's duty, which hadn't been necessary since the death of the White Witch. Still, she took liberty to follow her duty outside of the stone table. The stealer of souls had the best of intentions, but not everyone saw it that way. When he brought the matter to the Pevensies, Edmund was the first person to speak up, "I believe she is well. Pandora always looks after us."

"Blood needn't be shed for our protection." Susan argued, not wanting to side against her best friend, but understanding Lycaon's worries.

Edmund scoffed, "What would you know? You've been too focused on sneaking about with Petals, you haven't been focusing on the problem ahead." Susan looked as if she had just been slapped, which prompted Lucy to hold her hand to comfort her. Edmund ignored her hurt expression to add, "The wild werewolves of the North have been taken care for. But what about those still hiding?"

Lucy then spoke up, as she had spoken to Pandora before Lycaon called for them, "She will take care of them herself." Peter, who had been too silent, raised a questioning brow, "She told me." The teen shrugged.

"That's what I am afraid of." Lycaon intervened, taking notice of a sibling argument rising up. With a nod from Peter, he added, "She has taken some liberties. As the daughter of Jade, she is obliged to kill the traitors. As the King's right hand, she should bring them here. For the Kings and Queens to decide their fate."

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