09. love is embarrassing

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KING PETER had called his court, all gathering around a long table. He occupied the end of it, and his siblings sat on his left. No one was confused nor concerned about Pandora's position besides him. The King had been very clear the first time he asked her to stand there. "There is no one I trust more than Pandora as councillor. She will always stand by my side, and her advise will be well received by all." He had said. Pandora held her head high, unaware of Susan's suspicious gaze. No one dared to defy the King. Especially since they couldn't agree more. Pandora would be more than helpful, that they were sure of. She had always been. And everyone was aware of how much she loved Narnia. And more importantly, it's people.

So, when the table was filled with the Pevensie's most trusted people, the King spoke, "Thank you for coming with such a short notice." They all nodded, some cautious under the councillor's gaze. It was no secret how protective Pandora had become since her arrival. Only a few months had gone by, and she was very outspoken about how much she cared for the Pevensie siblings.

Edmund furrowed, not understanding why they all had been called. He was busy, playing chess with Lycaon when they were told that King Peter wanted them. "If I may, why are we here exactly?"

"To be honest, Edmund, I have no idea." Peter replied with a slight shrug, confusing all. The girl who stood by his side turned her head in his direction, sharing the same expression as Edmund.

"Then, why call court?" Susan wondered, shaking her head in disbelief.

Peter was about to reply when another voice, one much deeper, spoke before he could, "Because I asked." Aslan said as he walked in. Everyone bowed their heads at him, except for Pandora, who stood frozen. She hadn't seen him since Peter's birthday. Although she knew he would come back soon. The lion and the spy's eyes found each other, which went unnoticed by the rest. His eyes then found the red stone that hung from her neck, her hand flying to it when she noticed. Quickly, he spoke again, ignoring a brief pain forming in his chest, "The High King and I have spoken," Peter inhaled, ignoring Pandora's worried glance, "And we have come to an agreement. One we would like to share with you."

This Peter didn't know. He thought that it would only be between them, but apparently Aslan didn't think the same way. Clearing out his throat, Peter nodded to himself. Aslan gave him an encouraging look as he did so, which helped him find the words to speak. "I know there are some concerns about who will I marry, and what will happen when I do. I know that as King, my marriage should be one of political arrangement. But, that is not how I want to live." He glanced about, seeing the unsure expressions of his court, "That is not how I want to love."

"So this is what it is about. Love?" The General wondered. Lycaon, who sat besides him, kept his eyes on Pandora. The girl simply stared forward, her jaw clenched.

"Yes." Peter confessed, "In my world, marriage is about love."

Edmund grimaced, mumbling, "Most of the time." Which earned a small chuckle from Lucy.

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