half of the theia story

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hey hiya this is just a preview of the theia fanfic is wrote,it's not done yet so yeah...

it was a happy day like no other in your favorite solar system and your favorite planets,as usual you can see the super trio that consists of mars,earth, and Venus playing cards together!ah,really it's normal,I suppose..?

but anyways!worries aside let's see what our planets have in store for us shall we?


"and...AHA! I win yet again! beat that earth!" Venus said as he practically slammed his last card into the pile of messily stacked cards,he marked another point on the whiteboard shortly after.

earth rolled his eyes while mars just smirked at his reaction.Mars gave a little laugh,"wow dude,that's a lot of points.I didn't know you were good at this,you could be better than earth!" earth just scoffed at the statement.

"don't be silly!I'm just...learning." he looked away, clearly not wanting to admit that he sucked at cards.He only ever plays it with mars because he has nothing else better to do than just talk with Luna all day.Hes not saying its boring talking with Luna,it just gets too lonely sometimes.

"you're just afraid to admit that you suck" Venus smirked,managing to strike a victory stance to show that he had just won.Earth pouted,mars sighed at the two's childish behavior."well,let's just start a new round won't we?" mars started to pick up the cards that were scattered away from venus slamming his card on the rest of it.

"ugh...whatever." earth positioned himself to a comfortable position.Venus followed still having a smirk plastered on his face for universe knows how long.It was starting to piss earth off but he tried to not cause another problem between their friendship for now.

suddenly,earth saw a polaroid drifting in the distance.He was confused,how can an earthling creation be here..?or was it Astrodude's stuff?anyhow,"hey guys,look at that." he showed them the polaroid that suddenly stopped moving,leaving it there floating.He was getting even more curious now,but he thought curiosity kills the cat.

venus and mars looked over to the direction that earth had shown them,Venus was confused while mars..he recognized that.He recognized what that was,it was the picture he had taken billions of years ago when another planet was still standing.He took it with a camera,but he never knew how he got it because it was floating around in his orbit back then and just decided to take it.

"wait..is that?" he went over to the polaroid quickly,both venus and earth was caught off guard by his sudden action.They looked at each other and both shared a puzzled look,what was it that made mars run over to it like that?was it that important?well they just put that aside for now and floated over to mars who was holding the polaroid in his hand.

"so...what was it that you were so shocked abou-" earth stopped.Venus was also silenced,it was something mars took when they were in a different state.It was a bitter sweet memory to remember,those days were..dear to him.He has hold on tight to it for a long time now.But he didn't expect for a fragment of it to suddenly show up at a normal day,sometimes things come unwelcomed.

Earth stood there,mouth shut.Memories came running down in his head.No, it can't be.Why is it..here?it was supposed to be long gone.He was supposed to forget about that from a very long time ago,so why..

why is something of her here?

he isn't supposed to remember her again,not anymore.Not after what happened,not after the accident.


earth was feeling lonely,he didn't have a friend to talk to for the last few days.It sucked being a flaming red ball,no one wanted to talk to him,but maybe it's because he didn't try to? 'ugh,I wished I wasn't like this.' earth thought,but it didn't really help this deep feeling of not having a pal by his side.He thinks it further deepened it even more,All this negative feeling isn't suitable for him at all.

when earth was lost in his thoughts , a smaller planet was peeking over to earth.She was talking with mars when she saw another planet that was in a not so far away orbit than hers.Mars,noticing this,asked the female planet "hey, theia,are you peeking over at the proto-guy over there?"

Theia flinched,not knowing that mars had noticed she was pondering over to the other,"h-how did you know..?" theia asked having no clue.I mean,it wasn't that obvious..right? "Well it was really obvious that you were,it was like you weren't even trying to hide it." oh,she guesses she was wrong.

"hey,don't worry.Its nothing to be embarrassed of," Mars reassured her with a soft tone, hopefully calming her down.Theia felt more relieved hearing this,mars was a good friend to her.She liked how he was always so nice to her and never said any bad things about her,she wants to stay by his side for a long time.She liked their friendship,,

̶b̶̶u̶̶t̶ ̶i̶̶t̶ ̶w̶̶o̶̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶̶a̶̶s̶̶t̶ ̶l̶̶o̶̶n̶̶g̶.

"thank you mars,I appreciate it." theia returned him another smile that was softer and genuine.

"hey it's no problem ! by the way," mars readied to ask theia a question.

theia tilted her head, "hm?what is it?"

"do you want to go talk to proto-guy?you seem interested in him." mars suggested,since theia was so curious about him.Plus he should really get to know his actual name instead of just calling him 'proto-guy' all the time.(he calls him that because he only sometimes hears the other planets call earth "proto")

Theia beamed at Mars's suggestion,happy that her friend understood what her true intentions were,She excitedly said "yes,yes,yes and YES ! I would love to do that!!!" she was so excited to the point of spinning around Mars as like she was orbiting him or something.

Mars chuckled as he looked over to the spinning theia,she wasn't always this excited about meeting planets other than him.He hoped that this proto-guy was nice,he doubts he will be mean but things always come unexpectedly.

"well let's get going then shall we?" Mars smiled with both of his eyes closed,he floated over to the other planet's orbit with theia following behind him shortly after.She was all sunshine and rainbows about meeting this guy,She thinks that both of them will become good friends.

( Earth's pov )

it's getting boring orbiting the sun,for how long have I been spinning around now? has it even been long? why am I even orbiting him? why am I even a planet? it's lonely.Can't someone just..pop right out and play with me? Probably won't ever happe-

"HELLOOO THERE !!!" a scream cut off his thoughts.

He widened his eyes,no..no way.There's an actual other planet here?greeting him? no way.Did his prayers get heard? if so..then he finally has someone to talk to..SOMEONE TO TA-

"hello?you in there bud?" someone else cuts his thoughts,but it was a different voice this time.

"h-huh..?" he finally spoke up,only managing a 'huh' because he was still shocked over the appearance of the new planets.It was a planet that had a blue surface that had some red parts of it,the other ones were a brown planet with cream colored spots.Huh.he never knew planets like these existed.He guessed he just doesn't socialize much,not like they want to.

"HI !! I'm theia,and my friend over here is mars !" Theia excitedly introduced them both,mars gave earth a small smile.Earth thought he recognized those names,Jupiter probably had said some of those names.But still,it's nice having new faces here,maybe not so new but you get the point.

"nice to meet you,I'm earth.But you may had heard some call me proto,my actual name is proto-earth." Earth introduced himself,mentioning the nickname other planets had given him.He doesn't know why he has a 'proto' in his name though.

'ah.his name is earth,a bit unique I suppose so.' mars thought,he finally knew the planet's true name.Now he doesn't have to call earth proto-guy anymore.

"Ooo!your name is really pretty you know?" Theia smiled warmly,mars nodded his head in agreement.Earth perked up,he never heard someone called his name 'pretty' before..

"t-thank you.." earth's face got slightly red,he turned his face away from theia's as a gesture that he was embarrassed.Theia giggled at this,she softly replied,"It's no problem at all!"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 30 ⏰

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