She is very annoying.

I want to kill her at this instant but I know that if I do that then senpai is not going to talk to me for my whole life. It almost made my heart arch in pain thinking that.

I, Yagami Takuya 2nd best from white room and best in my generation became lovesick person. I want senpai all to myself. I can do anything for her. If senpai said to destroy the white room. I will gladly do that even if I will be killed in the process.

At the start, I'm not like that. I hate senpai so much that I want to kill her but one day everything changes and great hatred becomes love for her.


There is only 2 individual left in 5th generation. Amasawa Ichika and Yagami Takuya. Today's all tasks are completed for 5th generation with the words of 'Ayanokouji Kiyone had completed these tasks with great perfection and in less time'

Yagami's anger was out of the roof so he punched the white wall so hard that blood started coming out from his hand. He was going to punch again but a soothing voice stopped him.

Amasawa and Yagami both turn their heads towards the owner of the voice.

They saw a very beautiful girl with brown hair and golden eyes towards with a smile plastered on her face.

She came towards Yagami and grab his hand and started dragging him. He was confused.

Takuya's Thoughts: 'Who is this girl and why is she dragging me with her?'

He didn't resist one bit because he was curious.

Out of curiosity, Amasawa started following them.

Kiyone dragged Yagami to medics and started treating his wound. Because in white room, they provide you with the best medical facilities but you need to treat your wounds yourself.

Amasawa is watching both of them from sidelines.

Takuya: "Thank you! But I can treat my wounds myself."

Kiyone: "You are taking your frustrations out by punching the walls very hard. If you keep doing that then your hand gets injured beyond repair."

Kiyone: "You are clearly tired, you should rest you know."

Takuya: "How do you know?"

Kiyone: "I'm watching from the glasses."

(She is white room's best so she has the liberty to watch others.)

Before Takuya could ask anything Kiyone places his head on her lap and start patting his head.

He was confused and about to get up but he couldn't because his body didn't want to left the warm feeling that is radiating from Kiyone's body.

For the first time in life, Yagami was at peace in his life. His frustrations instantly vanish like they didn't exist.

Kiyone was patting her left thigh for Amasawa to come and lay her head.

Amasawa was going to refuse but after seeing the calm face of Takuya. She complied and lay her on Kiyone's left thigh. With other Kiyone started patting Amasawa too.

Amasawa also feel the warm feeling just like Takuya. They both drifted to sleep.

Kiyone is patting both of them and was happy to see the peaceful expression on both of their faces.

Even the white room is not enough to corrupt Kiyone's kindness and innocence.

(Plot Convenience)

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