Around dusk that day, we saw the first signs of a town up ahead. A familiar cobblestone path led into a large village and with a start, I recognized it as Hazend. I glanced sideways at Rylan, but he didn't look concerned. Was it smart to be so close to the camp?

It seemed the others had the same thought as they kept close to the treeline and away from the main road. Though there were only a few people around, we kept out of sight.

"We need to stock up for the rest of the journey." Rylan seemed to read our minds, although it didn't put our doubts at ease. He led us around the outskirts of Hazend, sneaking up on a small cottage on the edge of town. It looked small from the outside, probably only big enough for one bedroom inside and the thatched roof looked in desperate need of repair. We rounded the house but before we had a chance to knock, the front door was thrown open to reveal a portly woman with her hands perched upon her hips. If she was surprised to see a band of fugitives at her doorstop, she didn't show it.

"Get in here, now. Before anyone sees you." Marge held the door open wide, allowing us to enter her home.

Marge looked the same as I last saw her, except now her apron was gone, hung on a hook inside, and her mousy brown hair was frizzy as if she'd been tending a fire though the hearth was cold, a lazy tomcat stretched out on a pillow in front of it. His green eyes studied us as we crossed the threshold inside.

"Would you like to explain what it is you lot are doing here?" Marge moved her arms to cross over her wide chest, but she didn't sound angry.

Rylan stepped forward first. "We need help."

Those three words seemed to dissolve any temper Marge had left in her as she took to fussing about our river-stenched clothes, empty packs, and even emptier bellies. She all but cleared her cupboards for us even at Rylan's protest. The others went into the next room to change into clean clothes, leaving Rylan, Marge and I in awkward silence.

"There were soldiers here this morning looking for anyone suspicious. Said there was an attack against the crown. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Rylan and I exchanged glances but before either of us could say anything, Marge held up her hand.

"It's best if I don't know." Although I got the feeling that she already did. "I think they've left town now, but you have to be careful." She looked at Rylan as she said this, a silent plea in her eyes. He answered her with a solemn nod.

"We're going to Verdana." I interjected, and when Marge raised her eyebrows skeptically as if that was the last place we should go, I continued. "My father can protect us."

It was either the fierce look in my eyes or the way Rylan didn't argue that seemed to assure Marge of our plan. She didn't ask who my father was and I sure wasn't going to get her involved with that. Like she said, it was best if she didn't know.

The twins emerged from the bedroom looking fresh and energized in their clean clothes with Knox right behind them. Anders followed with a blanket wrapped around his chest in the style of a toga and his pants legs were damp but free of mud. I guess Marge didn't have clothes big enough for him. From the look on Marge's face, she wasn't thrilled about the new use for her blanket.

I felt a brush against my legs and looked down to see the orange tomcat brushing his head against my legs. I reached down to scratch his head and just as my fingertips touched the soft fur, Marge snapped at the cat.

"I wouldn't do that. He's not-" But it was too late and my fingers were already scratching the tomcat. A purr rumbled from Benny's throat. "... friendly."

I looked up to see Marge staring at us in confusion as the cat jumped into my lap and curled up. "Benny doesn't like many people." She explained.

Benny's a cat? When I heard her talking about Benny to Rylan in her bookstore, I imagined Benny to be her bed-ridden husband or child, not a tomcat. A heavy one at that, I thought, shifting my legs.

"That's how I lost these." Haigen wiggled the stubs of his missing fingers. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

Marge stood, holding a clean stack of clothes out to me and grabbing Benny from me. She nodded towards the bedroom.

It felt good to be in clean clothes and out of the cursed dress. It took me a few minutes longer than usual as I tried to use as little of my right arm as possible. Knox had untied the sling before I came in here but when I tried to move my arm, my shoulder still ached.

I hadn't realized how restricting the dress was until I was in a loose-fitting shirt and trousers again. It was like my body let out a sigh of relief. I left the dress folded up neatly on the floor, hoping Marge wouldn't mind.

When I left the bedroom, I felt better than I had the past week. Things didn't seem so bleak anymore and I had a good feeling about our chances. Maybe I was being too optimistic, but when I walked in the living room, I could tell the others felt the same.

Marge was in the attached kitchen, wrapping the finishing touches on a paper package. When she saw me looking at it, she held it up and winked at me. I wasn't sure if she always kept a stock of them, but I could almost taste the small honey cakes from here. She packed them into a small satchel and handed it to me. I slung it over my good shoulder. Marge's next words were directed at Rylan.

"There's someone else who wants to see you."

The black mare was grazing on a patch of grass behind Marge's house as if it were waiting for someone. I don't know how we didn't see it when we came in but as we got closer, it lifted its large head to look at us.

Rylan broke out into a sprint, wrapping his arms around the horse's neck. She neighed affectionately. He was whispering intelligible things into her mane and when he stepped back, I could've sworn there were tears in his eyes but he blinked them away fast.


"I don't know." Marge shrugged. "She arrived a few days ago and for the life of me, she won't leave. She's a smart horse. She must've known you'd be coming here."

Anders stepped forward causing Dava to skitter nervously from his sheer size. "That's right. She did escape right after you guys were taken. She just ran off into the woods and didn't come back."

Rylan looked from Dava to Marge before pulling Marge into a hug. The shocked look on Marge's face told me he didn't do that often and when they pulled away from each other, there were tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Marge. For everything."

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