47.I'll give you five minutes

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Liora sat in her room, her eyes fixed on her wrist as she slowly rotated it in circles. It had improved significantly, but it still felt sore.

Her concentration was interrupted by a knock on the door, and she hurriedly reached for her brace, slipping it back on before calling out, "Come in!" Grace entered the room with a wide smile on her face, and Liora walked over to greet her.

"Have you decided what to wear?" Grace asked. Liora shook her head, glancing back at the outfit laid out on her bed. They were going to a county fair that day, and Alex would be participating in an event.

"Well, Jackie and Alex are leaving soon," Grace mentioned. Liora nodded, her eyes falling on the outfit in her hand.

"Where did you get that?" Liora asked, making Grace look up at her.

"Oh, Rory, I'm sorry. Jackie said I could wear it," Grace explained. Liora shook her head and looked down.

"She... she liked that one," Liora murmured. It was her sister's outfit. Grace examined it and then looked back at her.

"I think you'll look good in it," Liora said with a smile.

"Okay, let me help you then." Grace walked over to the outfit on the bed. "So, this shirt and these jeans," she suggested, holding them up.

Liora realized that the shirt belonged to Cole. She had never given them back to him, nor had she spoken to him since that night. "That's Cole's shirt," she pointed out. Grace quickly put it aside and grabbed a white corset-like top instead.

"Okay, this one," Grace said. Liora nodded and took the clothes. "Oh, what about shoes? Do you have any boots?" Grace asked. Liora nodded.

"Yeah, there are a few pairs in the closet," Liora replied quietly. She turned away, changed, and returned to find Grace holding up a pair of tall, heeled boots.

"Don't you think that's too much?" Liora asked as she slipped on the boots and let Grace inspect the outfit.

"No, I think it's perfect," Grace said with a smile. "You might even catch the attention of a boy or two." Liora couldn't help but laugh and shake her head.

"No, thank you," Liora said. She wasn't interested in pursuing anything with anyone at the moment. Though she and Cole weren't officially together, she was still hurting from the way things had ended between them. She felt like she had done nothing wrong, yet she had faced all the backlash.

"Okay, fine," Grace huffed, turning away. "Finish up! I'll see you in a bit!" she called out, leaving Liora to do her makeup and hair.

Once she was ready, Liora joined Grace, and they made their way to the fair. Upon arriving, they met up with Jackie.

"Hey, I was hoping to catch Alex. I wanted to wish him good luck," Liora said to Jackie, who smiled in response.

"He just went back there. You can still catch him," Jackie said. Liora nodded and walked off to find Alex.

"Oh, Alex!" Liora called out when she spotted him. He turned and looked at her with a smile.

"Hey, Rory," he greeted her as she approached him.

"I didn't get to see you this morning, so I wanted to wish you luck," Liora said, smiling as she looked around.

"Well, thank you," Alex replied with a smile. "Have you ever been to one of these?" he asked, making Liora look at him curiously.

"Like with your dance?" he asked. "I mean, you dance in a lot of things, so I wasn't sure if you've been to one before," he explained. Liora slowly nodded.

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