3.Unexpected Bonds

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Liora lay in her bed, gazing at the ceiling. The thought of going to school made her feel reluctant; the whole routine of getting up, getting dressed, and putting on makeup just didn't appeal to her.

"Rory?" she heard from the doorway, and her eyes shifted to look at the door when she her Jackie on the other side. "Come on, you'd better be ready to walk out the door," Jackie said, causing Liora to groan as she rolled out of bed.

"I'll be down in a minute!" Liora called out as she stood up. Her eyes caught sight of the mirror, and she saw herself wearing the white lace bralette top that she and her mom had made for her last dance concert before the accident. It brought a smile to her face as she quickly threw on a half jacket and a pair of jeans. She applied light makeup, brushed her slightly messy hair, and left it as it was, before grabbing her bag and heading downstairs.

"Rory," Jackie said, eyeing her up and down, "everyone's already gone, and the boys are waiting for us. Plus, you're not even wearing any shoes."

Liora walked to the door and slipped on her heeled boots before turning to face Jackie.

"Why are the boys waiting for us?" Liora asked as Jackie sighed, walked over, and pulled Liora's hair into a bun at the back of her head.

"They're giving us a ride to school," Jackie said as Liora closed her eyes while her sister pulled her out the door.

"I'll walk," Liora said, following behind, but then stopped on the porch.

"You're not walking, Liora, come on," Jackie urged, causing Liora to roll her eyes.

"Non sono dell'umore giusto per queste stronzate oggi, te lo dico, Jackie," Liora spoke in Italian, clearly expressing her mood for the day. ("I'm not in the mood for this shit to day I'm telling you Jackie")

"What put you in such a mood, Rory?" Jackie mumbled as she pushed her into the car.

"La vita mi ha messo dell'umore giusto, il mio adorabile amico rosso mi ha messo dell'umore giusto," Liora said, sitting down and leaning her head back. ("Life put me in a mood my lovely red friend put me in a mood")

"Okay, it's our first day, Liora," Jackie said quietly to her, as if trying to make sure the boys couldn't hear her. Obviously, they did, but Liora didn't care. "No fighting, no being rude, okay?" Liora just looked away; there was no way they were going to be welcomed as the new kids, and she felt it.

"You speak..what is that?" the boy next to her said, though Liora didn't remember his name.

"it's Italian, She had a boyfriend who spoke it, and she learned it," Jackie said. Liora just rolled her eyes as the car took off. They got about halfway through town when Liora spotted a tea shop.

"Hey, stop," Liora said, causing Cole to stop the car and look at her as if she were crazy, along with everyone else. Ignoring the looks, Liora leaned over the boy next to her, got out, and ran to the shop.

"Hey, um, can I have one coffee and one hot tea with sweetener?" Liora asked, quickly receiving her order before returning to the car and getting back in.

"You couldn't have gotten coffee when we were at the house?" Cole asked, looking back at her as she sipped her drink. Liora handed the coffee to Jackie.

"It's not coffee," Liora corrected, looking up at him. "It's tea, and yes, I had to get it from there because you have no sweetener in your house," she said. Cole just shook his head and drove off.

They pulled into the school's parking lot, and the boys immediately started to get out.

"Hey, guys, we've got a full car today, so that means, Isaac, no offering rides to random cheerleaders," Cole said, prompting all the boys to start filing out of the car. Some even climbed over the seats to reach the door. Liora lightly pushed some off her.

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