30.think there's something when there isn't.

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Liora sat on the couch, her hand tapping against the empty tea cup as she nervously nibbled on her fingernails. She was bewildered with herself—kissing Cole again? She most likely ruined everyone's Thanksgiving because she was mad at what Lee said. Cole was right.

"Hey," katherine said, walking up to her with a smile and handing her another cup. "Green tea," she said. Liora took it and returned her smile.

"I'm... sorry about Thanksgiving," Liora said, looking down at the tea as she rubbed her lips together. "I didn't mean to ruin it for you guys or Jackie," she said, taking a sip as katherine sat next to her.

"You didn't. As I told Jackie, there's not a holiday that goes by without some family drama," she said. Liora slowly nodded as she looked down. "What's on your mind?"

"I can't seem to get anything right here," Liora said as she rubbed her fingers across her cup. "I feel as if everything is a lie," she mumbled.

"How is everything a lie, Rory?" Katherine asked as she moved her hair away from her face.

"That party that Jackie got drunk at, that wasn't me," Liora admitted. "I know that party was a while ago, but that's when all the lies started because I knew that if I said that it was me, no one would think differently. You didn't, you believed every word," she said.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Katherine said. Liora shook her head.

"I didn't want Jackie to get in trouble. I wasn't going to tell you at all. Everything worked out for them because you believed me. Why wouldn't you? I'm just some ex-drug-using teen. Why wouldn't I go to a party?" Liora said. "I just... I don't want to lie anymore because the second I said that lie, everybody was on me. You guys brought me to school for like a week, and at school, the teachers watch me as if I am going to break any moment, And now I have dances to make and rehearsals to do because everyone thought it was me, and I needed this."

"Rory, we really thought that this stuff would help you," she said. Liora picked at her nails.

"I heard you and George talking about how me and Jackie are just another mouth to feed," Liora said, looking up at her. "That's why I wanted to get that car and... I got job."

"You... have a job?" she asked. Liora nodded.

"Yeah, just a few days ago, Will let me work at the café," Liora said, giving her a smile. "He wouldn't let me work over the holidays. I don't really have to start till after, but they gave me a few days I could work till then."

"Rory, the last thing we wanted was to make you feel as if you needed to get a job," Katherine said, looking over at her. "Or make you feel the way You feel. we didn't realize you were doing all this."

"I just don't want to be a burden when I don't have to be," Liora said. "If I can work, I should and help with whatever I can."

She said, Katherine shook her head.

"Rory, we don't want your money, sweetheart," she said. Liora let out a breath as she looked into the fire.

"You have done so much for me and Jackie, and there is nothing in this world I can do to repay that," Liora said as she looked back at her. "There's like 14 people in this house, and sometimes it's hard, so if I can help, then I want to."

Katherine grabbed her hand, making Liora look at her. "Rory, you're a good girl and so, so strong, and I love the fact that you want to help, but what you get from working is yours."

Liora looked up at her with a smile. "It's too bad I'm not that easily persuaded," Liora said, standing up and walking away and up the stairs but stopped when she saw Cole. Liora took a few more steps.

"Hey w-" Cole started but was cut off.

"Rory," Jackie said from her doorway. Liora looked at her, then back at Cole.

"I should... go," Liora said. Cole nodded and stepped aside, letting her pass. "Hey, what's up?" Liora said, walking into Jackie's room.

"Nothing, it's just..." Jackie said, making Liora look at her. "You would tell me if something was going on?" she said. Liora raised her eyebrows.

"Something going on? Like what?" Liora asked, her head tilted to the side as she looked at her sister.

"Well, I have noticed something with you and Cole," Jackie said. Liora sat down on the bed, rubbing her face before looking up at her.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Liora said. What did she tell Cole? Jackie noticed, and if she knew what had already happened, Liora didn't think she would be too happy.

"Because you guys make it seem as if something is," Jackie said, walking to her and sitting next to her. "I would rather you tell me than not, and Rory, sometimes you don't have the best taste in guys," she said. Liora couldn't help but laugh. God, did she know that.

"There's not really anything to tell you," Liora mumbled, looking down at her hands.

"I know that look, Rory, and you can't hide it from me," Jackie said. Liora closed her eyes. "Just don't let yourself think there's something when there isn't. Don't let yourself be just another one of his girls," she said. Liora looked up at her and gave her a small nod.

"I'm going to go to bed," Liora said, getting up and walking out of the room. As she walked to her door, her eyes moved to look at Cole, who was at his door. She bit her lip as she turned back and walked into her room, closing the door behind her.

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