45.didn't want you to ever come here

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Liora stood in the bathroom, rummaging through all the stuff. She couldn't find her face wash, and she was getting increasingly frustrated by the minute because she knew she had it there. On top of that, time was running out – her birthday was tomorrow. Then there was Katherine's award for being the vet of the year or something.

Liora just wasn't looking forward to anything. Someone was messing with her stuff, and she already knew who. Liora stormed out of the bathroom, up the stairs to see Isaac and Will.

"Your face is very shiny today," she said to Isaac, who looked away. "Where is it?" she asked. Isaac pointed at the upstairs bathroom door.

"Cole's in there. He's been in there for like half an hour!" Isaac said to the door. Liora rolled her eyes and looked at Isaac.

"Use the downstairs one," Liora said as the two walked away. She grabbed the handle to the bathroom door and shook it. "Cole! Come on!" she said, hitting the door. When it opened, there stood Cole in just a towel. Liora pushed past him and walked to the sink.

"Well, good morning to you," Cole said, making her roll her eyes again.

"Why are you being rude to everyone?" Liora asked, looking through the stuff on the sink. She heard Cole let out a breath and close the door, making her look up at him through the mirror.

Cole walked up behind her, his hands finding the sink next to her hips as his lips brushed against her ear. "Am I being rude to you?" he whispered. He really wasn't; it was just the way he was acting altogether, he was just being rude.

"Sometimes," Liora whispered. Her breath became heavy as his hands found her waist and pulled her back. She felt it. She jerked herself away and moved to the door. "I've got to get ready," she said, closing the door behind her and letting out a breath.

Liora's jaw clenched when she heard him laugh as she turned to walk to her room to get ready. Once done, she walked back out of her room and down the steps.

"And you can give me two minutes," she heard George say, making her stop.

"What?" she heard Cole say. "You going to give me the Walter word of wisdom?" he said. Liora shook her head at his words.

"I guess not," George said as she saw Cole walk to the door but stop when he saw her.

"Rory," he said with a smile. Liora looked at him for a good moment.

"Dick," she said. Cole smiled and licked the corner of his lip as he nodded his head.

"Right... call me when you're not mad," he said and walked out the door as Liora came down the rest of the stairs and turned to go into the kitchen where George was.

"Um, George, I could use your Walter word of wisdom," Liora said, making George look at her and nod. "It's more of a favor," she said.

"Okay, hit me," he said. Liora nodded and looked around before back at him.

"I... um... I have a..." Liora stopped, making George look at her. "I have a full ride scholarship to Juilliard," she said. His eyes wandered as a smile came onto his face.

"Well, Rory, that's great. Congratulations," he said. "Have you talked to anyone?" he asked. Liora shook her head.

"They have pushed my starting date back a few times, and now with my wrist," Liora said, and the look on George's face told her he knew. "I can't make the deadline, and I've been putting it off," she said, blinking her teary eyes because this was her life, and she really deep down wanted it.

"They need to be called," she said, biting her lip. "And I already know what they're going to say. They won't take an injured dancers. I know that, but I don't want to make that call," she said.

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