40.don't want to see you with anyone else

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Liora sat on Grace's bed, buried in her overdue homework. She had never fallen so far behind in her schoolwork before, and the stress was evident on her face.

"Oh my god," Grace exclaimed, causing Liora and Jackie to look up. "What do you think he wants?" she asked, gesturing toward Liora's ringing phone, displaying a familiar name.


"It doesn't matter. I don't want to talk to him after today," Liora replied. Jackie, in solidarity, reached for Liora's phone and declined the call.

Liora sighed and returned to her work, but eventually closed her book and lay down next to Jackie. "I'm going to bed," she announced, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


"Rory," Jackie's voice pierced through the covers as Liora groaned, pulling them over her head. Jackie nudged her shoulder. "Get up. We're leaving for the café in 5," she said.

Liora slowly sat up, holding her wrist to herself as Jackie handed her some meds and instructed her to get ready before leaving the room.

With a sigh, Liora got up, got ready, and joined Grace and Jackie downstairs. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Grace greeted with a smile. "You know, you look so peaceful when you sleep, so calm," she added. Liora smiled at her.

"I'm always peaceful and calm," Liora retorted, prompting laughter as they walked to Grace's car. "What? I am," she insisted as they drove off.

Upon arrival at the café, the three quickly made their way inside. Liora's eyes landed on Alex, Skyler, and Kylie, who were together. Liora frowned at the expressions on their faces, then glanced over at Jackie, who began walking over.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Jackie asked as she sat, with Liora following suit, looking up at the group.

Something was clearly wrong.

"Nathan had a seizure. He's..." Alex began, but his voice trailed off as Liora's eyes wandered in shock. "He's in the hospital," he finished. Liora looked at Jackie, who appeared just as shaken as she was.

"What?" Jackie exclaimed, turning back to Alex as Liora sat back, feeling a pang of regret. She should have taken Cole's call. God, she felt awful.

"I thought he ghosted me," Skyler said, shaking his head. "I feel terrible," he added. Liora rubbed her face with one hand.

"That's probably why Cole called you, Rory," Grace suggested. Liora shook her head.

"I should have taken the call. God, Alex, I'm sorry," she said, looking at him.

"Cole called you? After what he did?" Alex questioned. "I don't blame you for not taking it. By the looks of it, it's bad," he added, casting a concerned glance at her hand.

"What? Cole fractured your wrist?" Jackie asked, astonished. She knew something had happened, but she never thought it was that serious.

"What? No, Cole didn't mean to," Liora quickly defended him, looking at them all.

"It's fractured?" Alex asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"No, no, it's a hairline fracture on an old injury. It was going to happen eventually," Liora explained, turning back to Alex. "It was really my fault. I shouldn't have tried to get away like I did."

"Shouldn't have tried to get away? Rory, he hurt you," Alex insisted. Liora shook her head.

"Actually, I'm fine, okay? Just..." Liora trailed off, looking down. "Have you gotten to see Nathan?" she asked.

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