28.Actually, we might be

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Liora sat on the couch next to Jackie as she watched Richard poke at the fire. "So, are you comfortable here?" he asked, looking at them. "With all the 'ma'am?" he asked, making Liora smile as she looked at Jackie.

"It took some time getting used to," Jackie said. Liora nodded. "But you know, we've been through a lot lately," she said. Liora looked down as Richard looked at her.

"It's... different," Liora said, nodding. "It's just harder to restart," Liora mumbled as he nodded, looking at both of them.

"I wanted to talk about something with you two," he said as Liora looked up at him. "I consulted a lawyer about getting custody," he said. Liora sat up a bit more as his eyes moved to look from Jackie to her.

"For us?" Jackie asked, looking at Liora, then back. This made Liora's heart skip. If he got it, they could go back to New York. She wouldn't have to give up her scholarship, and she could dance with her team again.

"No, no, one of the other three dozen kids out there," he said, making Liora roll her eyes and let out a small laugh as she looked at Jackie. "Rory, Jackie, when they read your parents' will, I was in shock and grieving, and I just wanted to honor my sisters' wishes," he said, looking to Liora.

"So I went along with you coming here," he said, looking back down at Jackie. "But I'll admit I was pretty hurt that your guys' parents chose Katherine, and now I realize they wrote that will 15 years ago," he said. Liora rubbed her lips together.

"When there were only three Walter kids, not ten," he said. "You two were babies, and I was in my 20s, partying up a storm, so I understand why your mom thought I couldn't take care of you two. You two, your city girls who like museums and dances," he said.

"There is none of that here," Liora said. Richard looked up at her with a smile.

"Definitely not," Jackie said softly.

"No," he said with a laugh as he looked at them. "I want to get you girls back home where you belong, back to your old high school, back on the Princeton track," he said to Jackie, then looked at Liora.

"Back to your dances and to Juilliard," he said. Liora looked down, as if he only knew. "With me... the only family you guys have left," he said. Liora looked down as she rubbed her face before looking to Jackie.

"You guys don't have to decide this now, just..." he said, looking around and then back at them. "Think about it and know I'm ready to pursue this if you two want me to," he said, grabbing Liora's hand and Jackie's as he looked at them.

Liora sat with them for a moment before they all headed into the dining room to eat. It was loud and not what Liora was used to. She gave a small smile when George started to talk.

"Okay, everyone, have a seat, and why don't we go around the table and share what we are thankful for this year?" he said. Liora blinked a few times as she looked down.

"Cole, why don't we start with you?" Katherine said.

"I guess that the Broncos didn't actually flop this year," he said. Liora shook her head. She didn't want to do this. She stopped listening as the people went. She just sat there as they started eating and talking.

"Isn't it the coolest thing, right, Jacks, Rory?" her uncle said as Liora nodded.

"What's it called?" Danny asked.

"Manhattanhenge," both her and Jackie said.

"Oh, like Stonehenge," Isaac said.

"Exactly. It only happens twice a year," Richard said. "When the sun aligns perfectly with the Manhattan street grid, this glow of light cuts right through these two tall buildings, and rays shoot in every direction," he said.

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