chapter five

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It has been two weeks, since the restaurant.
And all of paris has seen, so Gabriel has to suspended Lila from modeling for a little while.
And Lila lied to the class saying the video was fake. Marinette rolls her eyes at this, but her class still believe it.
So right know it was day of the dog show, and Marinette was with the other connections with they dogs for the Toy group. As she was waiting for their group to be called.

In the audience Felix was in his seat watching the dogs show. And cheering on Marinette.
But Lila and the class, were their to. Except for Kim, because his mother grounded him. They do not know why, but he won't tell them why he is grounded.

"Thanks for taking us to the dog show, Lila." Rose said, excitedly. "Your welcome it's my treat." Lila said, as she grinns her teeth together. She real hates dogs. So she had to pretend that she like dogs, cats and any animals. Because the class love dogs, and animals.
"Know it's the toy group." The announcer said.
As people came walking with their dogs. But when Lila eyes widened as she saw Marinette and she was with a dog. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
"Marinette." The class said, in surprised. Lila was surprised

(Ok I am going to skip to wear they pick the group. Winner)

Ok, the winner of the toy group is "Marinette Cavalier King Charles Spaniel." The announcer revales.
Marinette smiles and Tikki let's out a b in happy bark.
Marinette reserves her group ribbon. As the owners congratula her and Tikki.

In the audience Felix was smiling, and claping for Marinette. The class was not, happy for Marinette winning the group.
Lila glared at Marinette. But she calms down. "Marinette wouldn't win with her rat dog." She thinks, with a smile on her face.

At the finals the six dog from the seven groups is up.
Marinette was standing and waiting for the places to start.
As the head judge made her decision.
She has her microphone out, and started talking.

"Ok, third place is the Border Collie. Of the herding group." The judge said, as the owner of the Collie came to the third place spot. The owner smiles, she gets her 3rd place ribbon.
Marinette claps her hand for her competitors.
"And Second place goes to the Giant Schnauzer of the Working Group." The judge announced.
The Owner of the Giant Schnauzer came up to the 2nd place spot. And except his 2nd place ribbon with a smile.
"And the first place and Champion of this Paris National Dog Show is.................. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, of the Toy Group." The Judge said with a smile. As he looks at Marinette and Tikki.
Marinette smiles and Tikki let's out happy barks.
Marinette and Tikki walks towards the win circle.
Marinette was handed a blue ribbon, a big trophy and $30,000 dollars check.
People and their dogs came and congratulation. Both Marinette and Tikki, Marinette saw Felix in the stand.
He was claping, and smiling at her.
Marinette blushes when they look at each other.

With Lila
She was grinding her teeth together.
The class was all in shocked that Marinette won, they don't believe it.
She shouldn't have won, Lila tought. As she was glaring at the big blue ribbon, Trophy and the big check of money in jealousy.
As Marinette and her dog, were getting their pictures taken by phototogathers. For a dog magazine.
Lila don't know what to do, she took all her friends, her parents even Adrian away from her.
But Marinette is doing well, and so happy.
So Lila vowed to get marinette

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