Chapter three

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The next day Marinette was sitting in the back in class. Doing her homework, as the class was listening to Lila, and miss Bustier is doing nothing.
As Marinette was on her phone texting Amelie Graham de vanity they moved to Paris for making a movie and her son Felix is the lead role. So they want Marinette for making the clothes for the movie.
After school was over Marinette was trip over. Marinette looks up and to see Kim laugh at her with Lila behind him. With a smirk on her face.
"Have a nice fall Mari bitch." Kim said, as he walks away, with Lila.
But Marinette just smiles she was recording everything. She was going to show this Kim mother

"Marinette, are you ok." Felix said as he got out of his limo, and helps her up.
"Yeah, I am find but let's get down to the studio." Marinette said, as she enters the limo. Felix smiles as he shakes his head.

At the movie set,
Marinette was making a dress for the lead actor.
But she and studying her words to. Because Marinette got the lead roll. Amelie wanted her to audition for it. And she was great she remembers all the lines well.

Kim's home, Kim was in his room.
But then his Mother called him.
"Kim." She heard his mother called, but she sounded angry.
Kim doesn't know why, but he walks to his mother.
"Yeah mother......" Kim stops, as his eyes widened in shock.
His mother was watching a video of Kim pushing Marinette and calling her a bitch.
Kim's mother was glaring at him. You and I need to have a talk.

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