The little candy has also grown up, but it is still a short and small one, soft to hold, and the smell of milk all over the body.

"It's beautiful." When Bai Yu walked down, the little watermelon moved a little to the side and said, "Baba, sit with me."

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "Sister Li's car is waiting for me at the door, I want to go out first...... Song Shirin, can you stop sitting, I'm going to go out on the red carpet later, what are you doing sitting here stupidly?"

Song Shirin was also invited to Bai Yu's red carpet feast this time, he was not a star, so he could take the business channel, but in order to accompany Bai Yu, who was nervous all night and didn't sleep, he had to agree to Bai Yu to walk the red carpet with him.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to say goodbye to the two children, and said, "Remember to watch me on TV later, little watermelon, don't let your brother eat too much sugar, he will die of tooth decay."

Little Watermelon, who had never indulged his younger brother in eating sugar, nodded, pretending not to see the stupid brother sitting next to him instantly turned dead face, and said, "Baba, you have to come on."

Bai Yu pulled Song Shirin out, walked to the door of the villa, and walked into the car arranged by Sister Li.

When Sister Li saw Song Shirin, her expression was no longer as restrained as when she first met, but she still greeted politely and said, "Mr. Song" Song Shirin nodded and did not speak.

Song Shirin, who was wearing a black suit, sat in the car and didn't speak, and Bai Yu, who was wearing a white suit, bowed his head nervously and played with his mobile phone.

That's why Bai Yu is so nervous.

After waiting for more than ten years, I don't know if I can be selected this time.

Bai Yu's expression was a little sneering, a few years ago, he had a film selected, and everyone was applauding at that time, even he felt that it was a sure thing for him to win the Little Golden Man Award, but he didn't expect that when the award was presented, the winner became Liu Kai.

This matter was a thorn in Bai Yu's heart, but he never said it - Bai Yu, who had even prepared the celebration wine at that time, could only return the pre-booked box and tear up the prepared invitation.

The devil knows where he got his confidence.

Song Shirin glanced at the nervous shaking of his legs, and originally didn't want to pay attention to him, but after thinking about it, he thought that Bai Yu might be really nervous, so he took the initiative to stretch out his hand to hold him, and whispered: "Don't be nervous, I'm here."

Bai Yu, who was in too much of a hurry to go out and forgot to go to the toilet, was stunned at that moment, and it took a while to realize that Song Shirin had misunderstood, and he didn't dare to tell the truth, so he could only say "um", and he didn't dare to shake his legs.

Sister Li, who was sitting across from them, turned her head to look out of the car window and quickly rolled her eyes.

Show what a show.

The Little Golden Man Award was held in Huaguo, and in addition to Bai Yu's film, there is also Liu Kai who also won a Little Golden Man trophy a few years ago - Liu Kai intercepted Bai Yu's Hu a few years ago, so when everyone learned that Bai Yu and Liu Kai were shortlisted at the same time this year, they instantly ignited their passion.

I don't know who will be shortlisted this year.

Bai Yu's strength is very strong, but Liu Kai's strength is not weak.

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