"Mum never liked you," Harry said after shaking Flynn's hand, catching Louis smiling at his honesty from the corner of his eye.

"Your mother isn't fond of many people, so I didn't take it to heart."

Liam caught himself softening to Flynn's laugh, and the memories flooded in. He was young when Flynn used to babysit, and Harry was a challenging kid to look after. Sometimes, it would be both Flynn and their grandparents who looked after them.

"Where's the rest of your pack? Oh! I just remembered a question. Why didn't other werewolves smell you?" Harry's mind was like an old clock, continually turning the clogs every hour of the day.

"The rest of my pack members are outside. I didn't want to overwhelm anyone" Vincent glanced to Liam. "And I'm still technically human, so I smell like one. My wolf has had to hide for a long time. It's taking me a while to find him again."

Harry nodded, tapping his chin with his fingers. He asked if he could meet the rest of his father's pack and Vincent gleamed with pride, leading him to the front of the house. Liam wasn't quite ready to be introduced to more people, and his dad understood.

Liam returned his attention to Zayn, who of course, was already staring at his mouth with a longing frown.

"Your scent is starting to hurt. I think I'm gonna catch up with my parents," he thought.

"Okay. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Liam felt bad, but neither of them could control Zayn's urges.

"Shower, it washes away some of your natural scents." Zayn tilted his head, watching Piper sitting at the dining table. "Maybe talk to Piper about her father and her past? I know for definite that she lIl be in my pack. Vincent would have stopped me from considering her if she wasn't right for it."

Liam nodded. "I'll try."

"I'll ask all the questions" Louis interrupted and smacked the back of  Zayn's head when he(Zayn) pinched his(Louis) nipple and muttered "Twat"

"Will you stop listening to our conversations? They're not always appropriate."

Liam's cheeks matched the crimson curtains, and he scattered his gaze.

Louis rolled his eyes. "I don't listen all the time. It's only when I'm close by, and I know you're not talking about anything I shouldn't hear."

"That doesn't make it better. Our minds are
private, okay?"


Zayn sometimes felt like he was talking to a child, but Louis likes to feel included, and he couldn't deny him that when he needed to be surrounded by people now more than ever.

"I'll see you later." He kissed Liam's cheek, feeling his hot skin against his lips. Zayn's wolf trembled, and he smoothly walked through the kitchen, thankful that the air outside was so crisp and fresh.

"Alright," Louis said, rubbing his hands together.

"Are you ready to talk with Piper? You don't have to if you don't want to. It is getting late, and it has been a long day for us all."

The clock on the wall beeped three times, and it was now 10:00 in the evening.

"I'll talk for a bit." Liam said, suppressing a yawn.

They sat down at the table, facing Piper who smiled apologetically.

"Hey. I hope Zayn isn't too angry. I really do want to be a part of this pack."

"He isn't angry at all," Louis said. "if anything, he trusts you even more."

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