"I promise that this is everything, and it feels so good for you to know who I am" The time caught up with Vincent. His sons, both on their way into adulthood with the Godly powers passed on through generations. Seeing the powers in Liam reminded Vincent of his father. Their grandfather would have been so proud to see Li thrive like he has, and Harry as he soaks up the world of the wolves with a big heart and educational eyes. "I love you both so much."

The Paynes laid together for a while, all lost in their thoughts, yet feeling closer now that the secrets were open and shared as a family.

"Did you write the Enchiridion?" Liam asked after explaining everything to Zayn through their mind-link.

"I did," Vincent said. "I knew you would need it in the future in case I wasn't here to help you myself!"

"The God of wisdom wrote the last few pages. Is that after Reyana tried to kill you?"

"Yes. The God of wisdom was a huge influence in my life. She came to me when my mate was killed and helped me through the grieving process. She knew I was going into hiding and I asked her to finish the Enchiridion if anything happened to me. I guess Reyana got to her just before she could finish."

Harry shook his head and gripped the duvet with angry fists. "I know revenge is not your thing, but how can you let Reyana continue to live a normal life? She ruined yours."

"Karma will catch up with her. Faith, the God of wisdom, said that someone so cruel would wake up and see their destruction, but by then, it is too late, and the damage is done. When that time comes for Reyana, I hope the guilt hurts for the rest of her life." Vincent said, then shrugged.

"Either that or she'll die a horrible death in the war. I'm fine with both."

"But dad, she killed your mate and your friends!"

"I know that son, but my life would have ended a long time ago if I fell victim to the resentment. I moved on knowing that better things would find me, and here we are" Vincent smiled, climbing off the bed and stretching.

"I know you've already told Zayn," he said to Liam, "so I'll go and tell the rest of his family. Thank you both for taking this so well."

The brothers watched their father leave before turning to one another, expressing the same emotions.

"Well," Harry sighed and flopped onto his bed. "At least it'll never get boring being in this family."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Zayn felt the summers breeze drop in temperature as the sun disappeared behind the trees. His body, as still as a sculpture, was processing the information about Vincent.

If anything, himself and Lou, who sat quietly by his side, was surprised by how well Liam took the news.

"Honestly," Lou spoke, disturbing the peace, "I'm  not that shocked about Vincent. I mean, he's always So calm in any situation, and he knew way too much about werewolves and the Gods to not raise suspicion."

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, it does make sense for Vincent to be the previous God of lightning"

"He fits the character so well because he's like a billion years old and acts so wise." Zayn smiled and crossed his arms.

"I bet nana knew."


"Yeah," Zayn shifted on the wooden bench, finding it uncomfortable now that he had sat for so long. "Athena knows everything about everyone."

"That's very true," Lou chuckled, nudging his shoulder. "How has your first day of heat been?"

Zayn rested the hack of his head against the bricks with a dramatic sigh.

"It's so hard. I can't wait until Liam feels it too."

"I can't even imagine how tough-" Lou paused when the front door opened and Liam looked around, smiling when he saw them.

"Hey" Zayn beamed and moved closer to his bestfriend so his mate could join them. Liam's scent ached his heart, and the warmth of his body felt almost too hot to touch, but of course, Zayn melted into his side anyway and fought the urge to change into his wolf and howl with excitement. Liam noticed his battle with the affection and took his hand, holding it tightly.

"Dad's telling your parents about his past."

"Now?" Zayn asked, distracted by how beautiful Liam's brown eyes looked as they reflected chocolate coloured marbles, glossy and shiny.

"Yeah. I hope they don't get too angry at him for lying."

"I think my parents would lie about their lives too if Reyana were out to kill their entire family."

When Liam rested his head against Zayn's shoulder, Louis stood and edged towards the door.

"I'm gonna see how Haz's doing."

Zayn watched him leave, making a mental note to ask Louis about how he is coping with the rejection of not only Harry but his parents too.

Louis puts on a brave face, and Zayn praises his determination to make every day a happy one. He sighed and rested an arm on Liam's shoulders.

"Our families are crazy.!"

The God nodded against him.

"After this, it will take a lot to shock me."

"Me too," Zayn chuckled, hearty and cheerful at his unintended pun. "Vincent can now help you understand your powers and what else you're capable of doing. He can talk you through your responsibilities and teach you how to be a good God."

"Do you think I'll have many responsibilities?" Liam asked.

"I'm not sure, butI know you'll be able to handle them."

Liam lifted his head with a small frown. "Are you sure? What if I can't?"

"You can. Don't be so quick to doubt yourself."

"What if it's too much?"

"Then Vincent will teach you how to deal with the pressure. It'll be fine." Zayn kissed his temple, keeping his lips against his skin for longer than usual. "Come on, let's go inside. I want to see how my parents react to Vincent. Also, did he tell you that Piper's dad is his Beta wolf?"

"Really? Wait, do you think Piper knows any of this?"

"How could she not? Shouldn't she be hundreds of years old too?"

"No. I mean, if we're not, maybe Piper's not either."

Zayn hummed with thought as they entered the house and made their way to the kitchen, hoping the atmosphere would be gentle, but the werewolf knows how his father reacts to secrets. Ares will be hurt that Vincent kept this from them. They trusted him the most.

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