5. Into the Ick of It

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Photo Made with bing AI
Contessa Marcova:
3920, Megan Fox, Dragon
Wesley Warren: 25, Austin Butler, Half-Shifter, 6 ft 2

Photo Made with bing AIContessa Marcova: 3920, Megan Fox, DragonWesley Warren: 25, Austin Butler, Half-Shifter, 6 ft 2

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December 7th, 2014
1:29 PM

Forsythe Investigations, Beacon Hills, Oregon

   Stiles had been able to use his life savings of 8 grand, a loan from his grandparents of 15 grand, and a loan from the band, another 15 grand, to put a 25% down payment on his childhood home. Now, he has to wait for the realtor to tie up a few more loose ends before moving in.

   He got the realtor down to sell the house for 150 grand because it has been on the market since they evicted Noah. It's a done deal that he is going to get the house. Noah couldn't pay half as much as Stiles did and didn't have a good credit score to get a loan.

   "Alright..." Xavier walked into Stiles' office, pulling the photos out of his pocket, "Sorry, Baby Doll, I couldn't get anything else. It looks like someone has been messing with the files."

   "Yeah, I wonder who that could be..." Stiles mumbled, pulling a drawer out and grabbing his cigarettes and lighter.

   "Give me one?" Xavier asked as Stiles was putting the carton back in the drawer. Stiles nodded and handed him the carton, making their way to the back. Stiles lit their cigarettes before lighting the pictures on fire.

   Stiles looked into Xavier's car and saw blankets on the dashboard. He looked down at his feet and sighed. "I am sorry you and Mia are getting separated, its all my fault,"

   "I don't recall you forcing me to sleep with Lydia," Xavier nudged Stiles for him to cheer up, "Hey, it's not your fault. It's been rocky for years," He sighed, softly banging his head on the building. "Never get married, kid. Humans are wild animals... they belong to the wind,"

   "Shut up..." Stiles chuckled, "I am never getting married,"

   "Gay marriage has been legalized for almost a year now, and you seem like the marriage type, kid,"

   "Yeah, well, you thought wrong... all spouses do is cheat on you or murder you," Stiles mumbled, and Xavier put an arm around Stiles' waist, pulling him closer. Stiles would say this, and Xavier wouldn't know how to relate. "Thanks..." Stiles sighed, calming down.

   Stiles' phone chimed, and he unlocked it, tapping on the message he got on Grindr. "Oh my god!" Xavier laughed, grabbing the phone. "Why is Harris naked on your phone?" He asked, zooming in and then gagged.

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