Chapitre Cinq

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You had left the Palais Mermonia with joy seeping from your figure - figuratively of course. Although it would be sad to be separated from the kids that you had been taking care of, you would still be able to see them. If anything, it would be better for them to go to an orphanage as it would provide them with better opportunities in the future.

The only underlying issue that you couldn't stop thinking about was telling them of the situation. You didn't know how they would react especially since many of them were greatly attached to you since you had been the one to save them from their dark times.

Continuing your walk back to your house, your steps unconsciously slowed as you tried to rack your brain to figure out the best way to break the news to them. Although you felt happy that they would have a proper place to stay, you couldn't help but feel that you would miss the kids whom you had painstakingly raised and cared for.

"Come on," you spoke aloud as you tried to cheer yourself on. "You can do it."

"Do what?" Alexandre asked you, slightly frightening you with his sudden appearance.

"Assisting Monsieur Neuvillette with his work."

"He asked you to be his assistant?" Alexandre asked in disbelief, undeniable unease making it way onto his face.

"Yeap," you nodded in reply. "Because of the whole issue and to make sure that legal action will be appropriately taken, all of the kids will have to be set to an orphanage. This means that you all can finally leave your nest. You can do whatever you want now Alexandre. I promise that I'll help you with whatever you want. Live your dreams."

"No," Alexandre shook your hand away the moment you tried to grasp his hands with a smile. "My dream is to stay with everyone. How will the other kids react? You're all that we know. You were the one who saved us and now you want to leave us?"


He shook his head and interrupted you his voice cracking, "I know this is selfish but I don't want to leave. Can't we keep living like this?"

"Alexandre, you know full well that we can't keep living like this. Change is bound to happen and as much as I want to, I can't keep taking care of you. My grandfather can only do so much for us before I can't take care of you all."

"I'll work! I'll work as much as I have to! I'll provide for you so you don't have to worry about anything. If you leave- what am I supposed to do with my life?"

"Alexandre!" You slapped his face, tears threatening to fall. "Stop saying all that! I did all this to take care of you all and let you live the life that you want. I didn't do all this just to make you reliant on me. I want you to be happy for yourself."

Alexandre gingerly placed his hand on his cheek, tears also threatening to fall as he felt the pain throbbing through his head. You had never hit him much less placed your hands on him before. This was most definitely a first for both of you. Not knowing what to do, he suddenly turned his heel and started running away.

You lifted your hand to look at your slowly reddening skin as you could feel the slight throbs of pain. Guilty washed your mind as you wondered how much Alexandre was hurting both physically and mentally from this. Shaking your head, you decided to stop thinking and started to run in the direction that Alexandre had headed. Looking at your surroundings, you suddenly swallowed down a gulp and you realized where the boy had started heading. Picking up your pace, you pushed yourself to run faster than you had ever gone before as the ominous feeling in your gut grew.

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