Chapitre Deux

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Walking through the city you could feel the stares of the people who had seen or heard about your court case. The Melusine that was assigned to you, Xana, skipped after you with her arms swinging without a care in the world.

Opening the door to your house, the kids that had patiently awaiting your arrival crowded you and hugged you with great force, almost tackling you to the ground.

"Big sis you're alright!" one of the children smiled as he nuzzled closer to you. "I'm glad you're alright."

"Yea big sis! Thanks for coming back!"

"Where would I go if I didn't come back," you laughed as some of the children started crying on you as the hugged your even tighter refusing to let you go from their embrace. "My home is here with you."

"It looks like you had many waiting for you," Xana commented as she watched the whole situation play out. "It's quite something to see so many children here and so attached to you. I can feel the pure love and admiration from them. You truly cared and saved them."

"I'm so sorry you had to watch this Xana," you blushed in embarrassment from forgetting about Xana in the middle of the whole reunion. "Let me get you something to eat. Oh also what do you say when we have a guest children?"

"Hi Ms. Xana! Thanks for coming!" The children all spoke in unison.

"Please do not worry about me," Xana waved her hands with a smile. "I am on duty and I have already eaten earlier. Do enjoy the reunion. After all you were held in detainment because of the court case."

"What does detainment mean," one of the younger kids went up to Xana and asked curiously.

"Detainment means to be held in a place that you cannot legally leave," Xana explained.

"Oh like what daddy did to me?" The little girl looked up at Xana with expectant eyes as if hoping for praise.

"Lia, please stop bothering Xana and stop tugging on her shirt," you sighed as you picked up Lia, one of the younger kids in the house. "And don't forget what are you supposed to say."

"Thank you Ms. Xana," Lia thanked the Melusine as you brought her to her room to tuck her in for her daily nap.

"Children, it's nap time so go to your rooms please," you instructed everyone with a strict voice. "You can play after your nap. The older kids please help the younger ones, We will all play later after I talk with our guest."

The crowd dispersed through the hallway to go to their rooms as you guided Xana to the kitchen and fixed up and quick snack.

"I hope you don't mind somce juice," you brough out a jug of orange juice from the refrigerator. "As much as I would like to offer you some other drink, I don't have any hot water to properly prepare anything right now."

"Have no worries, I'm simply grateful for the hospitality," Xana smiled.

"So to confirm you will be staying here for two days until the case to monitor me?"


"I'll have one of the kids clean up a room for you to stay in then."

Xana quickly replied, "Oh there is no need. I will just be here in the afternoons to monitor you."

"Oh," you chuckled. "Well then I hope you have dinner with us tonight if anything."

"I will take you up on that offer then."


In the kitchen, you started prepping some of the food that you would be serving for dinner. With some of the older kids helping you, you watched Xana and the younger children playing in the backyard. It seemed that they really liked the Melusine that had come since they usually weren't so open to guests.

"What's going to happen now?" Alexandre asked, the eldest out of all the kids that were staying in your house. "Are you going to be accused of kidnapping us? If you need me I'm willing to provide a testimony to prove your innocence."

"Thanks Alex," you hugged the boy. "But there's no need for you to go to such lengths. I chose to take you all in without any form of legal action. Technically keeping you all here is against the law. If anything I might just end up in the Fortress of Meropide and after my stay there, I'll come back to be with you all."

"NO!" Alex shouted, getting all of the attention of people in the house, including Xana and the kids outside in the backyard. "All you did was help us and save us. If you're taken where will we go. Without you here-"

"Even if I'm not here, I've already prepared ways of living for you. I've already talked to orphanages and houses as well as Madam Chihiro to take care of you all. Even without me here you will all be safe. I've also complied evidence about why you all ran away or why I came to take you. You will all be able to have a good life."

"That's not the point!" Alex slammed the table. "I want to live with you. We all want to live with you. And you saved us. Why do you have to be the one to suffer. If you go to the Fortress of Meropide I'll also go with you. I'll commit a crime enough for them to put me there."

"Alex! Don't you dare do that."

"Then don't you dare leave us!" the boy started to tear up. "Please. You're all we have."

"Do not worry," Xana interrupted the two of you. "I'm sure Monsieur Neuvillette is working on something to help y/n and I will also provide eye witness evidence of everything occuring here from the Melusine point of view. Although I cannot say for sure that y/n will win the trial, I can say that I will do everything in my power as a monitor to make sure y/n is to win the trial after watching the love that is happening in this house. The most that may happen to y/n is a fee for the illegal actions that she took in taking you children."

"Really?" Alex sniffled.

Xana nodded.

"Big sis isn't being taken away?"

"As of right now that is correct."

"Alex please apologize for your actions and thank you very much Xana for helping clear all this."

"Of course," Xana smiled with her hand on her hip. "Think of it as a thank you for the dinner."

"I'm sorry," Alex murmured, his head down in shame.

"Thank you for worrying about me Alex," you hugged the downhearted boy. "But you don't need to worry about this. I'm sure everything will turn out ok. When have I ever lied to you."

"Never," the boy mumbled as he hugged you.

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