Chapitre Trois

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Two days had passed and now here you were back in the Opera Epiclese ready to finally face your fate in the defendant seat however compared to the last time that you stayed there alone, Alex had begged to be with you and requested Neuvillette to allow him to be by your side as support.

"With the conclusive evidence collected by the Marechaussee Phantom, as the Iudex, I shall render judgment upon this case. The accuser, found guilty of abuse and neglect towards her child will face imprisonment in the Fortress of Meropide. The guilty party will face legal action with the taking of the children without legal procedures towards adoption," Neuvilette announced to everyone. "Evidence collected during the witness procedure proves the accusee as the guilty party in this case."

"No way."

"So she really was abusing her child."

"To think that we almost supported her."

"Insane. Utterly insane."


"No!" The mother of the child screamed. "You have no proof of all this. What if your spy is simply lying."

The Melusine behind the woman walked up to her with a pile of papers in her arms, "This is the provided evidence of your wrongdoings that have been collected. What you say can and will be used against you in the decisive action towards the length of your imprisonment so it would be beneficial if you accept the crime you are warranted of."

"No! No!" The lady screamed hysterically. "It's all here poly."

She pointed at you and continued screaming words that went through one ear and out the other. Rather than the clearly insane actions of the lady, you were far more interested in the Iudex himself. Although everyone knew that he was no human, you still wondered how much work he had put in for this singular case when many other cases were occurring.

"Thank you Monseiour Neuvillette. I accept whatever punishment is necessary because of my lack of legal action in my decisions," you gave a small bow of respect.

"Punishment!" Alex grabbed your arm. "If you're gonna punish y/n I'd rather have you punish me instead."

"Alex," you scolded him, pulling your arm from his grasp. "We are in court. I know you mean well but this is a situation that I have to handle not you."


"Please come to my office after this case is complete," Neuvillette looked at you. "We will need to discuss the action that will be taken as a result of your actions."

You nodded in reply before Neuvillette looked back to the audience and ended the court case with the winning party being your side. Xana had decided to accompany you to the office of Neuvillette to make procedures easier as you sent Alex back to the house to take care of the kids.

Looking around, you took in the elegant appearance of the Palais Mermonia. Never once have seen the Palais in person much less go inside and taking a look at it, you couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful it looked. It was - as a matter of fact - a place that fit the eternal elegance that Neuvillette emitted.

"Hello, y/n is here to visit Monseiour Neuvillette on his request," Xara told her fellow Melusine who was at the desk.

"Of course. We were already informed. Please enter when you wish."

You went through the hallway to the doors that led to Neuvillette's office and once you reached it, you knocked on the door waiting to hear a confirmation for you to enter. Waiting for a few minutes, there was no reply and once again you tried knocking. Just like earlier, there was no reply. Looking back behind you, there was no one within the vicinity. Not wanting to go back empty-handed, you slowly opened the doors to the office only to see Neuvillette lying on the floor, his face red and sweating.

"Monsieur Neuvillette!" You exclaimed, shock running through your veins as you ran towards him and immediately knelt down to check up on him.

Checking his forehead, you recoiled your hand from how hot his body was burning up. Looking back at the door you quickly stood up to go and call for help. However, before you could fully stand up, you were pulled towards the ground by that hand that grasped your wrist.

"There is no need for you to inform anyone of my current condition," Neuvillette coughed out as he continued to firmly grasp your wrist with strength that was not normal for someone who would be burning up with a fever as bad as he was.

"But you need help!"

"Please, as the Iudex, I am one of the highest powers in Fontaine. If people were to know that I am not at height condition, the insecurities would spike especially after the death of the archon."

Sighing, you painfully understood where the reasoning behind his action was coming from but even so, you couldn't leave him here, especially on the floor. Taking his arm, you mustered all your strength and lifted him, supporting his weight and placing his arm around your shoulder. Surprisingly, you were able to lift him fairly well. He was far lighter than you expected especially with his large build.

Supporting him, you helped him walk to the couch on the side of the office and placed him there before taking off your jacket and putting it on him as a blanket. You took the pillow as well and puffed it up before lifting his head and gently placing it on the pillow.

Going to the restroom, you took a paper towel and wet it before going back to him and placing it on his forehead in hopes of cooling the heat that was coming from him. Taking the other paper towel you had gotten in your hand, you wiped off the sweat on his neck in hopes that it would make him more comfortable.

"I'm sorry this is all I can do for you but I hope it helps and that you can sleep well and heal," you said to the sleeping figure. "I'll come back tomorrow with some soup."

Leaving the office, you spoke a little to the Melusines making sure to not mention a single thing about Neuvillette's condition before before returning to your home, your mind still focused on how Neuvillette was feeling.

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