Chapitre Six

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Your head swiveling around to look at the different paths that could have been taken, you tried to rack your brain to think of where Alexandre could be. You knew full well just how dangerous this area was and for someone like Alexandre who had never been in a place like this, you feared the worst possible situation that he could have gotten himself into.

Turning into a familiar corner, you could hear fighting happening not too far from where you were, and following your instincts you headed toward that area. You quickened your pace the moment you heard the scream of Alexandre. Slowing to a stop when you saw the beaten-up Alexandre, you stared at the people who surrounded and unfortunately, your worst fear had happened when you saw a familiar face.

"Well if it isn't my dear old friend," the person you were glaring at smiled at you menacingly. "Has she finally decided to return after a long time of hiding away."

"How dare you call me your friend after you left me to fend for myself. You ran away like a dog with its tail between its legs," anger seething from your voice.

"The past is in the past. Why are you so hung up over something that happened 8 years ago?"

"Why do you think I'm so hung up on it?"

You knelt down and pulled up a small string that was hanging from your boot. Lo and behold from the side of your boot a small blade appeared. The shine of the metal glinted in the lines of light as you put pressure on ur foot to give you a boost to attack the man who stood in front of you. Clang, a loud noise resounded itself in your ears. Quickly kneeling, you boosted yourself to jump backward before the man could try anything more while you were in close vicinity to him.

"Come on now y/n. What happened to all the fun we had together? Did you forget about all that and only remember the bad things that happened?"

Standing up, you twirled the small blade in your hands, "You were the reason why I was happy but you were also the reason why I got so hurt and why I had to suffer for so long."

"But it's also because of me that you were able to find your dearly beloved gramps isn't it."

Glaring at the man you brandished your knife once again, "How did you know?"

"What do you expect? No matter where you run and how hard you try to hide we will find you. You can't escape my dear."

"I left the mafia years ago after you betrayed me Adarvan."

"Come back to me y/n. I promise I won't hurt you ever again. If anything ever happens I'll take the brunt. I won't make you suffer any more than I already did. I miss you. I've been waiting for you for so long to return to my arms. You were always the only one for me. My partner. My friend. My family. My love."

Clenching your fist, you could feel your heart moving from his words. It seems that even after all the years of separation you seemed to still have a soft spot for the person who you had cherished. During the times that you had been with him, it was undeniably the happiest moment of your life. You were partners in crime who had each other's back, the top-of-the-line members who always came back with impeccable completion rates.

"Come back to me and I'll let the boy go," Adarvan sighed. "You're taking too long to decide. We need your skills for our next big job."

"Adarvan! How dare you use him!"

"Look y/n as much I don't want to do this, I need you. After what happened, without you, the team just fell. We need you back. Just help us for this one job and I promise I won't touch you or anyone close to you."

Dropping your blade when you took a glance at Alexandre's condition, you raised your hands in surrender, "You better keep your word. This job and this job only and then we won't have anything to do with each other. Once this is done I never want to see your face again."

"I'm sorry y/n," Adarvan stared at you with painstricken eyes. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Let the boy go," scoffing, you shoved his hand away when he tried to reach for you.

You walked to the unconscious Alexandre who was bleeding in too many parts of his body. You couldn't help but feel guilty thinking that the reason why this happened was because of you and your history with the mafia. If only the things in your past didn't come to haunt you.

"My men will bring him to the hospital and will make sure that he gets proper treatment. You have my word with this and in exchange, you come with us." Adarvan looked at you.

"Yeah yeah," you scoffed putting your hands out. "I know the rules. However, if you dare try anything or break your promise-"

"I always keep my promises. You of all people should know this," he gave you the same fleeting smile that had always made your heart flutter with excitement. 

Turning your head, you cleared your mind and tried to calm down your heart which unfortunately was still stuck in the times of the past. Clenching your fists in frustration, you promised yourself that this would be the last time that you would ever let your feelings for him get to you.

Your eyes closed, you could feel the bag over your head and the cuffs go around your wrists. Mentally scoffing, you couldn't help but wonder the irony of the situation. Usually, you were the one who was doing the cuffing but now you were the one who was getting cuffed. The familiar click of the cuffs weirdly made you feel comfortable knowing that with exchange, Alexandre would be safe and this would be your final meeting with your first family.

"Just play along for the time being," you heard the barest whisper at your ear before suddenly feeling a force at your neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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